The plan was for ISIS to attack Damascus to remove Assad who had refused
Qatar a gas pipeline to run from Doha Qatar through Syria to Turkey, to
undermine Russian gas supply to Turkey and the EU. Assad is a staunch ally
of Russia who has a base in Syria and who later came to his rescue. Saddam
was tricked to invade Kuwait and was becoming a threat to Israel, hence the
American 'invention' of WMDs and the Iraq fragmentation. Republican loser
McCain is known to have visited Syria to meet the 'rebels' who then became
ISIS, a CIA creation and all the rebels were financed and armed by Saudi,
Qatar, other Gulf Emirates, Turkey, NATO and the Obama regime. Foreign
fighters were allowed to Syria through Turkey. When Assad was losing
ground, Russia came to his rescue aptly supported by Iran. Assad belongs to
the Alawaite sect, an offshoot of Shia Islam, hence Hezbolla, Iranian and
Iraqi support to Assad. The White House press secretary Sean Spicer said
President Trump was willing to work with 'anyone' including Russia against
ISIS and perhaps halt Syria civil war also. It is likely the ISIS
terrorists have been given 'free pass' out of Mosul in Iraq, as they took
over Palmyra in Syria once again and have been attacking a Syrian air base
in Deir ez Zor. Lybia regime change did not bring democracy and is still
burning, thanks to Clinton and Obama!

Message: 5
Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2017 19:15:28 -0500 (EST)
From: "Jim Fernandes" <amigo...@runbox.com>
To: "GoaNet" <goanet@lists.goanet.org>
Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Donald Trump's First Day in Office - 2
Message-ID: <e1cvolk-0002dw...@rmm6prod02.runbox.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"

Sorry for the poor train of thoughts below:
Of course ISIS already exists in parts of Syria and is head-quartered there.
What I meant was that ISIS would have taken over the whole of Syria, if
Democrats in America created a vacuum by helping to eliminate Assad - a
situation similar to the one in Iraq (with the elimination of Saddam)

Jim F.

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