Subject: Need your immediate help in this signature campaign


Dear all:


Diaspora Indians with foreign citizenship and OCI/PIO card holders are being
turned away by Reserve bank of India from depositing their demonetized
currencies, although govt. had announced that it has extended the date for
NRIs to deposit their currencies till June 30th, 2017. However, Diaspora
Indians with foreign citizenship after standing outside the gate for several
hours and when they reach the gate, they have been told that only NRIs with
Indian passport can go inside. It is a major issue to be corrected. GOPIO
has now taken up this issue and has sent this appeal to Hon. Prime Minister


Indians who left India to earn their living should not be deprived of their
hard earned money because they were not in India to deposit the demonetized
notes when banks were accepting the notes. 


GOPIO International Executive Council requests you to sign up this petition
and forward  it to your family members and friends (including in India) and
request them to sign up and support this campaign. 


Our goal is to reach 10000 signatures in one week and we need your help and
support. You can read more and sign the petition here:


Thank you.




Dr. Thomas Abraham
Niraj Baxi  

Chairman, GOPIO International
President, GOPIO International             


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