Celebrate the Goan electorate. Even in these cynical times, even with
the dumbing down by ranting media, over 80% of eligible voters showed
up at the polls. Whatever the result, the citizens of India's smallest
state have once again demonstrated that they are committed to the
democratic political process, no less than anyone else, anywhere. The
turnout — along with the previous benchmark from Goa in 2012 — is
among the highest in Indian history, and a criterion most of the rest
of the world can only dream of emulating.

Put Goa's percentages into context. Donald Trump ascended to the top
job in the United States in the recent elections when only 57% of
Americans cast a ballot. In the peculiar system adopted by "the
world's greatest democracy" he actually lost the popular vote by some
three million, but still ascended to become "the most powerful man in
the world". Narrow focus and, you see, credentials for the new
president to wreak havoc on the planet were granted by no more than a
quarter of potential voters. If just a few thousand more had turned
out in a handful of towns and counties, we might now be reckoning with
the first female president of the USA in Hillary Clinton.

Cross the Atlantic to the United Kingdom, and stark failure of
non-representation in recent elections becomes even more dramatic. The
extraordinary "Brexit" referendum — calling for retreat from decades
of political consensus, and complete withdrawal from the European
Union — attracted roughly 72% of potential voters. That may seem like
a high number, but studies by British Election Survey show that a
significant proportion of 'Remain' voters stayed home because their
preferred result appeared to be assured victory. Now they pay a steep
price. Much they have always cherished is unravelling fast.

Surveyed across its massive complexity and diversity, India's
democracy is both a wonder and a sham. Huge numbers appear at giant
rallies, but with everyone routinely and openly compensated with cash
or other bribes. Across the country, strongmen and satraps cajole,
induce and bully "vote banks" with impunity. Right here, in
comparatively enlightened Goa, it was startling to learn that many
hundreds of servicemen trooped out of their quarters in two separate
precincts to vote en bloc. Can anyone doubt this was diktat, most
probably from the ministerial office?

Instead of weakness, such shenanigans probably should be considered
tribute to the robustness of Goan democracy. No matter how much dirty
money amassed, or the hulking muscle barely hidden in the shadows, the
local goons still need votes to remain in power. They remain visibly
anxious and uncertain about their fates. These elections were a
reckoning that couldn't be avoided — both the golden feature of this
political system and the potential flush valve as well. As Winston
Churchill famously said, "democracy is the worst form of government in
the world, except for all the others that have been tried."

Goan democracy has repeatedly set unique and significant yardsticks.
In the highly insightful 2015 book, 'India's First Democratic
Revolution', Goa University's own Parag Porobo pointed out, "in its
very first election [Goa] surprised the country by bringing to power a
government that, with the Bahujan Samaj as its political base, was the
first of its kind. Long before lower castes elsewhere in the nation
had recognized as a group what their numerical strength could do for
them in a democracy, Goa's Bahujan Samaj — a loose conglomeration of
lower castes — rallied behind Dayanand Bandodkar, a lower caste mine
owner who eventually went on to become chief minister."

That surge of democratic power translated to visionary policy. Porobo
writes, "when the entire country was driven by Nehru's vision of
investments in industries and higher education as an apparatus of
development, Goa, through Bandodkar's governance, prioritized human
development through concentrated efforts on schooling and health."

>From a dismal 30% literacy when the Portuguese left, to one of the
highest levels in the developing world. From feudalism to widespread
empowerment, and the famously decent "quality of life" which tops all
Indian charts. These aspects of contemporary Goan reality aren't
incidental or accidental, or remotely attributable to the colonial
past. Instead, they're the direct expression of the will of the people
in the postcolonial era. Those concrete results — also paired with the
stunning Opinion Poll result in 1967, which rejected merger with
Maharashtra — have left a lasting faith in democratic processes in the
state electorate. The stellar turnout at the polls on February 4
demonstrates the sentiment remains undimmed.
  • ... V M
    • ... V M
    • ... Frederick FN Noronha * फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا
    • ... Bernado Colaco

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