With the then Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar having handed over a botched
up police investigation of that Vasco rape case to the CBI, it would be
very improper to solely blame the CBI for having made no headway in that
case. As a mere eyewash handing over the skeletons of that case seven long
months after the rape was undoubtedly a case of too little and too late as
far as the victim child was concerned. Despite it being a heinous crime
against a 7 year old, Manohar Parrikar never ever cared to visit the victim
and her grieving family displaying such insensitivity while the police
methodically hushed up the case.

After that gruesome rape on January 14th 2013, the police though just a
kilometer away were informed only three hours after the rape while the
school staff cold-bloodedly and very high-handedly washed away all the
vital evidence. The traumatized victim received medical attention only
eight hours after she was brutally raped while she got counseling 15 days
later.  The little girl’s family may have been very poor but justice should
not have eluded them. Her family not being affluent or influential is why
the authorities succeeded in a planned cover up and deliberately botching
up of the investigation to save the rapist. Incidentally on the very day of
the rape it was local Mormugao MLA Milind Naik’s birthday and the
celebration in the very neighborhood of that ghastly crime went on, with
even the decibels not lowered.

It is now over four long years that the Vasco little girl was
mercilessly raped in broad day light in the toilet of Deep Vihar School run
by the Mormugao Port Trust where she was studying in the second
standard. While the little girl and her grief stricken parents relentlessly
quest for justice, the alleged rapist and his accomplice are still free
birds possibly scouting for another catch.

If only the victim was a daughter of a Minister, a cash loaded businessman
or an affluent citizen, the case would have been cracked in a day or two if
not hours. Indeed, in Goa sorrowing is the state of lawlessness and

We are living in times where justice is no longer our right. It has become
the privilege of the rich and the well connected. There is an urgent need
to ensure that the entire police force is totally insulated from all
political machinations, influences and controls as has been rightly
mandated time and again by the Supreme Court.

The Goa Police’s effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy is currently in
question and there is rightly a public perception that
the police force have been acting as caged parrots on the diktats of the
politicians in power. The Police have miserably failed to provide the
service the public deserve and are rightly entitled to. The commitment,
devotion and accountability of the police has to be only to the Rule of Law
which requires that the police function without any regard, whatsoever, to
the status and position of any person while investigating a crime.

The Goa Police does have some very competent officers but it is those few
other black sheep that put the entire police force to disgrace and
disrepute. On account of the acts of omission and commission by such police
officers, the Rule of Law becomes a casualty and the escalating levels of
crime in the State is a matter of grave concern.  Unless those criminal
minded officers are flushed out of the system, law and order may be a far
dream. There is a need to inject the right dose to invigorate the police to
uphold the law at all times.

For the intentional bungling and botching up of the investigation in the
Vasco rape case, that little victim may never pardon Manohar Parrikar and
those officers for the gross and deliberate dereliction of duty.

In those words of Robert Kennedy “Every society gets the kind of criminal
it deserves. What is equally true is that every community gets the kind of
law enforcement it insists on.”

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012

Email: airesrodrigu...@gmail.com



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