
> On Fri, 17 Feb 2017 21:38:46 -0600, Mervyn Lobo <> wrote:
> I also see that Jim Fernandes had the following to say:
> "If I have a job here in the US, I would rather spend $10 more for a pair of
> jeans produced locally, than to supposedly save $10 on Mexican imports.
> What good is that cheap pair of jeans to me if my job itself has been
> exported to Mexico?"
> This is text book communism. The objective is full employment, even if the
> workers are producing obsolete products and are the least productive in the
> world. There still are many people on this net who remember the time when
> there was a 10 year waiting list to buy an Indian made Fiat - fully
> equipped with the technology from two decades prior. Fiat India had no
> incentive  to introduce innovations, nor to reduce prices. All that
> mattered then was a sheltered market.
> Mervyn

Of course - we do need, at least, some level of Communism, in every society.

The term 'Communism' has been badly misinterpreted - not only in religious 
dogma, but also in the economic domain.

Pseudo Capitalists have a tendency to make you believe that Communism in any 
form is bad. If Canada is a capitalist country, why do you have below programs 
in Canada? 

In Canada, you have:
1. Social Assistance
2. Canada Child Tax Benefits
3. Old Age Security
4. Medicare
5. Social Housing
6. Social Services
7. Public Education and possibly many more. Are these not examples of TEXTBOOK 

In the United States we have:
1. Social Security
2. Medicare
3. Medicaid
4. Temp Assistance for Needy Families
5. Food Stamps
6. Earned Income Tax Credit
7. Housing Vouchers and many more. Why do we have these programs in the US - If 
the US boasts that it is a capitalist country?

If the above programs were to be eliminated from North America by our 
respective politicians, I am willing to bet $1 that their political careers 
would be over.

The fact that a psuedo Globalist such as Mervyn, is able to earn a decent 
salary in Canada, is because Canada enforces what is known as "Controlled 
Immigration". If Canada was to suddenly open up their borders and let in people 
from India and/or China on a massive scale, I am willing to bet another dollar 
that Mervyn would be out of a job in a matter of days and he would be real 
lucky to earn even half of what he makes today.

There are plenty of skilled people in India who would be willing to replace 
Mervyn (whatever may be his skills) at a short notice, for less than half of 
what he makes, right now. The only reason Mervyn is able to chirp out loud in 
the frosty Canadian winter, is because Canada is protecting him - by NOT 
opening up the flood gates. 

Now chill down. think real hard and stop giving me the bull stories about the 
generalized benefits to Globalization.


Jim Fernandes
Scardale, NY.

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