Lisbon, Portugal June 15-17, 2007 Details at: 

For favour of publication, please.



Averthanus L. D'Souza.


            In the feverish debate and discussion which is ongoing  prior to
the election on June 4th. 2007,  the emphasis, somehow, has been on removing
corruption which has eaten into the very vitals of our government.    The
citizens seem to be battering their heads against a stone wall, and they are
being told that corruption is an integral part of politics.   Some
politicians are more corrupt than others.  That is the only difference.
The faint-hearted and the undiscriminating citizens almost believe this to
be true, and they are becoming cynical of the efforts to remove corruption
from the administration.


            The truth is that if every individual seriously commits herself
or himself to fight corruption, we can most definitely succeed in
eliminating corruption from the system.   The secret of success lies in
persevering and not giving in, but in fighting valiantly on.   


            The unfortunate side-effect, however, is that the dilemma which
faces the voter is couched in the alternative of  "corruption versus
communalism."   This is a false proposition.  The problem facing the
electorate is that BOTH corruption and communalism are unacceptable to the
culture of Goa.   The Bharatiya Janata Party is promising  that it will
provide a corruption free administration if it is elected to power.   It is
trying very hard to capitalize on the anti-corruption wave which is
currently sweeping Goa.   There are many (even enlightened) citizens who are
prepared to bring back the BJP to power just in order to curb the corruption
which is so rampant in the Congress administration.   Of course, this would
be a fatal error.  It would be like jumping from the frying pan into the


            A careful and objective analysis of the past performance of the
BJP in Goa  (as well as in other States in India)  shows that the BJP is as
corrupt as the Congress.   It certainly cannot claim to be less corrupt than
the Congress.     Corruption seems to have eroded the political
establishment like a cancer, irrespective of ideological leanings.  It is
clear, therefore, that the choice before the citizens is NOT  "corruption
versus communalism."


            In addition to corruption, the Bharatiya Janata Party  has the
dubious distinction of being a fascist party.  It has no use for democratic
principles.  In fact, it considers democratic processes  as being
impediments to good government.  It prefers autocratic (read dictatorial)
government to democratic government.   Manohar Parriker has already given
Goa a taste of his predilection for autocratic rule.   Because he was not
satisfied with the sluggish performance of the various departments of the
government, he set up a multitude of corporations to do the work which the
departments should have been doing.   In the process he not only rendered
the departments redundant, he opened the doors to a whole new arena of
corruption.   Works were undertaken without following the prescribed
procedures.   Contracts were given to organizations which were "loyal" to
the BJP, and not on the basis of their competence and competitiveness.  This
is no secret.  The audit reports of the Comptroller and Auditor General of
India are on record.  What Parrikar achieved, in fact, was the establishment
of two parallel administrations.  This caused considerable confusion.
Citizens who needed help were shunted from department to Corporation (pillar
to post).   No specific agency could be pinned down to accept responsibility
for problems.  In the matter of infrastructure, the PWD  (which is normally
responsible for works) passed the buck on to the Goa Infrastructure
Development Corporation.   If there was a problem of sewage intruding into
the drinking water supply system,  the Public Health Engineering department
(of the PWD) passed the blame on to the Sewerage Development Corporation.
Instances  of crossing wires can be multiplied.   The end result was that no
Department of the government accepted any responsibility for  failures.
Citizens had to approach the Chief Minister even to get redress for minor
problems.   Parrikar became the (sole) Super Manager of the government.   He
was seen on the streets, supervising the work of hot-mixing of roads and
laying of water pipes.    In ordinary terms, the government had ceased to
function.  Only the Chief Minister was keeping the government machine going.


            What is more insidious (and more dangerous) about the BJP is
it's close and integral association with the RSS. (The Rashtriya Sevak
Samaj).   It is no secret that the RSS is a fundamentalist, fascist
organization which equates nationalism with Hindutva.   Also that the BJP is
the political wing of the RSS just as the ABVP, the Vishwa Hindu Parishad
and other  bodies are wings (often called "frontal" organizations)  of the
RSS.  The writings of Veer Savarkar and M.S. Golwalkar are completely
unambiguous about the ideology of Hindutva.    At this point, it must be
emphatically clarified  that, fortunately, Hindutva is not equivalent with
Hinduism.   Hinduism (as a religion) does not support Hindutva.   Hindutva
is not derived from Hinduism.   It is a political  ideology which seeks to
justify its existence on the basis of Hinduism, just as Nazism sought to
justify its political programme on the basis of  a cultural German
Nationalism.   The entire world knows what happens when a narrow definition
of nationalism is equated with cultural or ideological chauvinism.    There
is no doubt whatsoever that the BJP is the political wing of the RSS -
irrespective of all the disclaimers that may be made by its leaders.   The
smooth talk about its secular credentials is only a strategy to win over the
minority communities.   It should be discounted.   It is like the tiger
loudly proclaiming  its vegetarianism.  


            A brief article (such as this)  precludes any elaboration of the
philosophical and ideological underpinnings of the BJP.  Suffice it to say
that the BJP is definitely a more deadly alternative to the Congress or to
the other local political outfits.    Citizens will do well to decisively
reject the BJP in the forthcoming elections.



Averthanus L. D'Souza,

D-13, La Marvel Colony,

Dona Paula, Goa 403 004.


Tel:  2453628.      



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