MD wrote:
> Canada has YUGE reserves of natural resources and vast lumber forests,
> while the natives are happy with their casinos and benefits, w**d and
> cigarettes et al. Canadian Rockies are worth seeing and many interesting
> places on the way by road.
> Also: (really do not like to be one up here)
> You say: "Both immigrants and refugees arrive with just the clothes on
> their backs and they are given all the tools to immediately integrate
into society."
> Can you list the "tools" given to immigrants  and to refugees who arrive
> you have described? Tax payers will be thrilled.
> You may also google and check under the heading immigration to
> know more.
> There is a not so candid inquiry on: income and/or net worth of the
> potential applicant for immigration, among others.
> Syrian refugees, if they are all Sunnis, it will be "yaa canada instead of
> O Canada" within generations and welcome to Sharia.
> Pretty*** is so naive!
> Regards

My guess is that you were in a foul mood when you penned the above.

Just in case you are not aware of it, Canadian oil sands and lumber
companies are all owned by US citizens. They bought them, bigly, when the
Canadian dollar was weak. These companies are now lobbying dj Trump to
subsidize the cost of moving their product into the US.

Secondly, Muslims are yugely welcome in Canada. A bunch of them sit as
MP's. I can assure you that Canada will have a Muslim PM before the US has
a Muslim President (i.e. if one excuses Hussein Obama :-)


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