Serious looking Prof of Psychiatry at Harvard Med School said yestersay:
"psychosis is like a safe whose combination has been lost.  That is Trump".
By the way.... I prefer that he remain in place, a daily reminder about the
sewage dump that is Republicanism.

In my opinion, dj Trump has proven to be the only US President who works 24
hours a day. He sends out tweets at 3.00 am exposing his paranoia du jour
and how he is going to 'fix' those causing the problem.

I love this.

There used to be a time when I would go to sleep only after watching the
late night comedians joke on the events of Trump's day. I no longer do this
as Trump has turned my world upside down. I now wake up as early as
possible as I find Trump's delivery of 140 letters twice as funny as any
team of late night TV script writers. The master of 140 letters - will
start any ones day on a bright note.

The rest of day can be spent watching Pence, the FBI and assorted US Govt
officials scrambling to spin Trump's tweets - or directly contradicting

One last thing, if dj Trump is to be believed, US infrastructure is
crumbling. 16 years of diverting resources to Iraq seems to have left no
money for the US to maintain its public infrastructure. Pictures on CNN
show dams in the US with holes in them, roads under disrepair and bridges
on the verge of collapsing. dj Trump, praise be to God, has promised to
spend bigly on US infrastructure.

His first priority is to build a yuge wall.


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