Kindly publish my friend article.

Stephen Dias



Despite lower expectations, the BJP due to the late `bull run' of the
military votes as well as doing well in the postal ballot for poll
personnel and the police force in attendance for the election duty, could
actually muster a better performance. This trend may be heightened by the
large turnout of the women voters and as such the Griha Aadhar effect could
play a major role in BJP prospects. The mining dependent votes could also
play a major role in favour or against the BJP in the mining areas The
Laadli Laxmi factor could also be significant in bolstering the BJP
prospects and thus all-in-all the social security schemes could bail out
the BJP to a position of just being able to form the next government.
Although the MGP vote went against the BJP, this time to a certain extent,
the GSM factor seems to have had little impact. In the bargain, the
splitting of the `secular vote' between the Congress and the AAP could in
this election of slender margins help the BJP cause.
As far as the prospects of the Congress is concerned, the party is
definitely set to perform better than the last elections, however their
chances may see a decline due to the voters having opted out for the Aam
Aadmi party. Rebellion within the party is another reason why they may not
be in a position to form the next government. What is pertinent is that
unlike in the 2012 assembly elections when they polled 30 percent of the
popular vote as against 35 percent of the BJP, the winning percentage of
the popular vote could be better this time, subject to the factor of
splitting of votes due to multi-cornered contests.
The Aam Aadmi Party which is contesting its maiden Assembly elections and
also in 39 seats, the most by any party, they started promisingly but
seemed to lack the `killer punch' in the end and thus this factor could
dent their prospects. However, they can be credited with having done a
marvelous campaign and thus barring some upsets, they may have performed
quite well. This is an acid test for the AAP who had a very people-centric
and sustained campaigning all through. The Aam Aadmi Party has on their
debut issued Magic Cards, which guaranteed voters that the promises made
were to be kept, an assurance that no other party in Goa has ever attempted
or done. Aam Aadmi Party is banking on the silent voters, which percentage
was a substantial amount. Aam Aadmi contended that these silent voters were
scared to identify with them, they being a new outfit.
The MGP though with the support of the GSM held promise but may not have
been able to sustain their campaign though they concentrated in 25
constituencies only, a more focused approach. In this case the MGP with
alliance of the GSM, much will depend on the efficacy of the GSM's diktat
on the Medium of Instruction to make the MGP perform better. The oldest
party in Goa have much to prove if they are to be taken seriously and be
given the tag of major contenders. Their prospects too hinges on the fact
that slim margins may lead to be in their favour, and thus perform better.
Select independent candidates who win this time will have a very important
role to play. Half a dozen of them are bound for a first podium finish and
the independents will form a major part of the government forming process
and thus bargaining for crucial portfolios.
The Goa Forward Party, the Nationalist Congress Party will also open their
accounts as well as a seat for the Goa Su-Raj Party.
However all said, on the 11th March, 2017 when counting is taken up it will
be the 40 candidates who have polled the majority votes, who will
constitute the next Assembly.

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