The BJP in 2012 rode to power in Goa on a promise of Good Governance,
Transparency in administration and Zero Tolerance to Corruption. But
despite a very clear mandate this government which had promised a
Parivartan has goofed up by its U turns on almost every pledge it had
made. Over
the last five years it has been unabated Corruption with the government
violating and circumventing every possible law. The abuse of power by the
Government has been like never before.

Despite being advised by the law department to hold a session of the
Legislative Assembly  in November and later being advised in January to
dissolve the Assembly, this Government to somehow hang on to Power,
towards its fag end  attempted to even highhandedly breach even the basic
provisions of the Constitution by trying to avoid holding that required
Assembly session. But after judicial intervention, as was expected it has
held that five minute sham session which was nothing but a murder and
mockery of democracy.

Having personally witnessed the working of successive governments over the
last four and a half decades, I can safely and confidently state that the
current government has been the worst Goa has had since liberation.

The people of Goa have over the last five years now witnessed all the acts
of omission and commission by this BJP Government. In a democracy the
people are supreme.  As to how this government has been judged and
evaluated by the people we shall know the verdict only on the 11th of March
when the votes are counted. Will Goa delver 40 worthy MLAs?

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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