What is really sad is the ruling establishment/ government utter inaction
and even condoning of these people who indulge in violence and bullying!
They will never punish or take exemplary action. Justice, Law and Order are
becoming scarcer. The best they do is denounce or say they do not subscribe
to what has been done, or find excuses to cover up! The Chief Justice of
the Supreme Court and the President speaking out seems to have no effect,
as I see it, on our march towards becoming a Banana Republic!

On Sat, Mar 4, 2017 at 9:59 AM, Sandeep Heble <sandeephe...@gmail.com>

> Being idealistic, hoping that war ends, advocating friendly relations
> between two neighbouring nations, yearning for peace - - now why would
> anyone need to get upset with all this? I watched Gurmehar Kaur’s video and
> found nothing wrong or objectionable in it absolutely. That a 20 year old,
> a young college student who had lost her father in battle, could give up
> her hate and come up with a thought provoking message like this would by
> itself be a courageous act, worth appreciating. Yet, she got trolled,
> hateful comments made, threats given, followed by an orchestrated campaign
> to subjugate her into silence. This is a worrying sign indeed and even more
> worrying when you consider it has the tacit support of the ruling
> establishment.
> During the reign of the British empire, the great Poet Rabindranath Tagore
> churned out the beautiful words, ““Where the mind is without fear and the
> head is held high”, to inspire his countrymen who were craving for freedom.
> "Where words come out from the depth of truth, Where tireless striving
> stretches its arms towards perfection . . . Into that heaven of freedom, my
> Father, let my country awake", the poem continued urging the people to
> dream of a Country whose people are free to express their thoughts and
> ideas fearlessly, where there would be no imposing or corrupted powers to
> bully them into submission.
> Is this the freedom which we all dreamt of? When artists and even students
> are met with hostility for a piece of art, for a book they write, for a
> song they compose and now, for even a video they post on Youtube? Where
> there are all kinds of restrictions being put on you to suppress your
> voices and freedom?
> I wish the ruling establishment would pay more attention to the real
> problems that are affecting the country. Build better infrastructure.
> Improve the Judicial system where cases drag for years. Give us better
> Policing, good governance, effective administration and time bound
> services. That is what you have been elected for. That would be real
> nationalism. Skip the slogan shouting & take the Country forward in the
> true sense!
> warm regards,
> Sandeep Heble
> 9326129171

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