On Mar 4, 2017, at 1:06 PM, Roland Francis <roland.fran...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Who says Trump is the pioneer of this sort of innovation? Remember what he 
> said when the Supreme Court struck down  his executive order banning the 
> majority community of seven countries from entering the US? "I'll pass 
> another executive order!" he barked. 

Dear Roland,

It is possible that you are either Intentionally or Negligently Misrepresenting 
the Facts.

Could you point to a single non-Fake news site ( better still.....the 'Law 
Report' itself) which would support your scurrilous claim that:

1:  there exists/existed an Executive Order banning " the Majority Community" 
from seven countries from entering the US. 

2: any Supreme Court ruled on the matter.


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