Religious sentiments hurt

The incident at Rachol involved  two students from  a prestigious Bits
Pilani, Sanny Agraval and Bhojraj  Sirkarwar .They are intelligent students
for securing admissions not some imbeciles  to be ignorant of the gravity
of the offence and be absolved of their behaviour

Familiar as they are with their religious practices  but pretended to be
innocent of their sacrilegious act. In some temples the prassad is just  a
piece of coconut, sweet, or even sacred water and one has to even pay for
it. The sacred offering is not a sweet catering to tastes, unless the ladu
prassad offered at Tripuati  but  it  is a spiritual ritual loaded with
faith. and not taste. Nowhere does one hear of   sacred offering being
defiled with scant reverence.. It appeared to be a deliberate act and not
 a spontaneous, impulsive act on the part of well educated, sound students
and not mentally deranged individuals.  They received the sacred host, then
spat it out because of taste and further stamped upon it ,either to hide or
just to trivialize it. That simple reasoning is not justifiable at their
level. They knew very well that they could not receive it in the first
place. It is a first of an incident when otherwise non believers have
merely walked away with the sacred host.

They have underestimated the gravity of sacred defiling of the sacred host
and such an act is blasphemous and condemnable. It is fortunate that
emotions and passions were not inflamed with violent behavior and simple
apology cooled down tempers on the advice of the P.P.  The catholics are
forgiving by their faith and they demonstrated in practice but that does
not condone the irreverence to the sacred host held in great reverence with
 fundamental spiritual significance. That they merely transferred their
practice to another religion with which they were not familiar with is no
excuse. they are fully accountable for their actions. The police did well
in controlling the incident and limiting it. In these days of surcharged
atmosphere of religious intolerance Goans have displayed once again
resilience by accommodating it.   Elsewhere in the country with narrow
,parochail  feelings, the place would have been on fire setting off
communal riots.

It is ill advised that publicity should be limited and culprits be allowed
to go scott free. The college to which they belong should be informed for
necessary disciplinary action and also because they have brought the
institution in  public  disrepute Th parents too should hang their heads in
shame. and impose restrictions and disapproval

The incident has highlighted the teaching of forgiveness as the central
tenet of catholic belief and has displayed the peaceful nature of Goans not
to have been provoked in the face of unforgivable provocation. Besides it
helps the faithful to renew their faith in a peaceful manner. God forgive
them for they know not what they do. The exemplary role of both the P.P and
police, faithful in limiting the incident needs to be applauded.

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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