*Letter to the Editor - Herald 19 March 2017  *
Reduce debt
In utter dismay I listened to candidate after candidate, some of whom are
now MLAs that they will do development in the state of Goa. CM also says
the same.
State of Goa is in debt to the tune of Rs 15000+ crores. Is the government
going to borrow still more and burden the state further? Without money it
is not possible to do development.
It is not so intelligent on the part of the candidates to promise
development but they don’t have anything else to say, so they go about
promising development. It might be because of the percentage that the
contractor is force to pay to these elected representatives.
 Goa should reduce the number of the welfare schemes so that the burden of
debt is reduced. Welfare should go to the really deserving families. Stop
development till the debt of the state is brought under control. Otherwise
we will be a bankrupt state soon.
Antonio Barbosa, Colva


A very thoughtful letter indeed. Mr. Barbosa must be congratulated, as this
is what Goans must dwell upon. Can one prosper when loaded upto the neck
with debts? This leads to dispair and ultimate disaster, the suicide, as we
have seen happening with the 'farmers' in India.

Yes, Mr. Barbosa, the figure of 15,000 crores public debt of Goa is just
the tip of the iceberg. It is actually close to 70,000 crores and galloping
towards a lakh crores which race shall be a reality shortly at the way
Goa's administration is handled. And yes, development must be curtailed
until Goa is clear of all crippling debts, loans and bonds redemption,
only permitting dire essential and necessary developmental works.

The good old Goan saying says: 'ANTUN POUN PAEM SODUNK ZAI' .... [EXTEND

In its election manifesto GSRP has given 5 years to bring the public debts
of Goa under control through belt-tightening exercises where
tax-payer's money shall not be squandered on vote-bank freebees, on foreign
jaunts by ministers and MLAs, and on high-profile life-styles of the
representatives of the people, and through the recovery of money due to the
Govt of Goa on account of illegal mining which is a whopping more than
35,000 crores and others which are waived off on whims and fancies of the

GSRP thanks Mr. Barbosa for his thoughtful concern over growing public
debts of Goa.

floriano lobo


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