Fashion designer, writer and environmental activist Wendell Rodricks is now
restoring the history of Goa for posterity with his museum Moda Goa which
will be open to public in late 2018. NT BUZZ speaks to Wendell to know more
about his new venture, the clothing history of Goa and why he chose his
house and Colvale village for this new chapter of his life

Moda Goa Museum -- Wendel's tribute to Goa

The life’s journey of designer and writer Wendell Rodricks is no less than
a novel. From a humble beginning as a Mahim boy to making a career as a
fashion designer of an international repute to proving his mettle as a
writer by publishing two distinguished books, ‘Moda Goa’ and ‘Green Room’,
Wendell has now almost completed a full circle to get back to his roots
with his museum, which will see light of the day in late 2018.

Wendell is now busy preparing his museum titled Moda Goa in his
450-year-old Goan house Donna Maria. The house which was his home for more
than 20 years is now getting the look of a museum. Wendell bought this
house in the year 1993 and took a bold decision to shift his base to Goa.
He expresses that at that time many of his friends said it was a career
suicide. But, he was sure that he wants to live and work from Goa rather
than come here to spend his retirement days.
Wendell has lived his dream in a quite literal sense. As a young boy, he
actually dreamt of this house and was drawn to it much before he could own
this piece of history. He has written about the house in his book ‘Green
Room’, even dedicated a chapter to it.

Thus it’s not a surprise that Wendell is remodeling his house as a museum,
a project which is close to his heart, moreover as it is in his ancestral
village of Colvale.

For him it also an exercise to give back to this village which has
contributed immensely to Goa’s history but not much is celebrated about. “I
couldn’t think of any better place rather than this house and also it being
in Colvale. It is the village that gave us personalities like Abbe Faria,
writer Frank Simoes, to name a few. But, nothing is here about them here in
this village. So, I want to leave this museum for Goa and Colvale,” says
Wendell sitting comfortably in his previous house; now having shifted base
to another house in the same village, and a few minutes away from the

Donna Maria will now get a facelift to satisfy all the requirements of a
museum of international standards. However, he will not change the original
look of the house. The altar from the Mandrem Church which gives distinct
look to the house and the Opium Bed that reflects the Chinese influence on
Goan dress will stay as part of the museum.

Wendell, who studied hotel management in Mumbai and then went to Paris to
learn fashion technology, never thought of this venture until he started
doing his research for his first book ‘Moda Goa’. “The seed of the museum
came to me at the start of writing ‘Moda Goa’ on which I spent ten years to
research and one year to write,” says Wendell who did his internship at the
prestigious Museu Nacional do Traje in Lisbon, Portugal. He also interned
at The Costume Museum at the Fashion Institute of Technology, New York to
learn costume preservation and conservation.

Elaborating about his museum he said that it will focus on Goa’s costume
history and in turn will speak about Goa’s layered art and culture which
most of us are not aware of. He is constantly collecting items for his
museum—be it costumes, hats, accessories, shoes, etc. He also shares that
most of the time people are more than willing to open their cupboards and
hearts to donate their piece of heritage to Moda Goa. “People have
generously donated not only clothes but even gold ornaments. Like I have
22K 16th century gold bangles, a 17th century cross from St Monica’s
Someone has donated their mother’s hats. One lady from Mumbai donated her
entire wedding box. It is beautifully preserved. It has all
the costumes, accessories, shoes and even undergarments,” says Wendell.
Sometimes he got items which the family members were also not aware of. “It
was from a house in Aldona that I got a wooden mould. It was in the shape
of Shiv linga. But, the family was not aware what it was exactly. Later, I
found out that it was a hat mould,” says Wendell.

Speaking about accessories, Wendell mentions that shoes are an important
part of his collection. “I am also in the process of collecting shoes of
important people like Mario Miranda, first chief minister of Goa. I also
managed to get chappals of a famous educationist,” says Wendell.

Some of the interesting items in his collection are—150-year-old Paithani
saree, Goan rosary made with shinaneo (mussel) core, Khoja turban,
Marcazite pearl earrings and pendant, Goan tribal rings, toe rings and
pendants, Goan filigree gold ear rings of 18th century, a kashti, a gold
fator necklace to name a few.
All these items speak about Goa’s history and its various influences of
religion, region, etc.

Wendell understands the intricacies and the hard work of Goans behind all
these objects, especially of the Goan goldsmiths. They were among the first
Goans to travel to Lisbon for work. They were well-known for their filigree

Wendell, who has set a deadline of late 2018 to open his museum, mentions
that the trust is already set up and it includes people from various
arenas. The museum will have a curated visit where the curator will not
just give information but stories behind these costumes. “This will be a
water-tight museum where there will be no interference from the government
bodies. It will be not only self-sustaining but should be also able to buy
any object of Goan importance from an auction house,” states Wendell while
speaking about the future plans of the museum.

Wendell is also working on an interesting concept of making replicas of old
pieces which are in the Lisbon museum. He has asked his friends in the
design industry to make them – items like old garments, Portuguese clogs
and embroidery samples. Many of the garments were sent from either ports of
Surat or Goa. These pieces are historically important to the Goan costume
history narrative. The designer is also looking for objects related to
costumes like dowry boxes, travelling altars, etc and hopes the Goan public
and the diaspora would provide leads or donate such items to the Moda Goa
museum where they will enjoy a wider audience and keep the family’s name as
donor for perpetuity.

On a concluding note Wendell clears the air that this museum is not for
himself but for his homeland—Goa. “This museum is not to retain my name. It
is for the people of Goa and to tell people that Goa is not only about
parties and beaches but which has a long history and this museum is a
reflection of that,” says Wendell."
_/  Frederick Noronha
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