
Robots taking away American jobs? 

Yes, you are right ... only to some extent. But you are missing the bigger 

Someone has to build and maintain those robots in America! And the builders and 
maintenance workers of those robots won't be the Chinese. The Chinese don't 
have the brains to innovate. They can only steal and copy American technology. 
This would mean more higher paying 'Robotics' jobs for Americans. Guess what 
... the yanks could also export those robots or the goods the robots produce at 
a competitive price back to the Chinese - only if them Chinese reciprocated and 
opened up their markets to yanky companies.

The fact of the matter is that the US is already seeing lesser number of 
illegals crossing from the southern border. That means less free-loaders eating 
my tax dollars.

More American companies have already announced increased hiring and investments 
in the US. Just today, we got a second ADP jobs report since Trump came in. The 
numbers are awesome! Wall Street is mad in love with Trump. Businesses in the 
US and the population in general are seeing increased optimism [except for the 
Lefty press and a few grumbling losers on GoaNet :( ]. Have you missed the fact 
that the stock markets are shooting into the stratosphere since Trump kicked 
Hillary out and into retirement?

The H-1B visa's are greatly restricted to disallow entry of cheap foreign 
labor. Trump's administration will only let in top talent for top salaries. 
This is great news for new immigrants as well as local Americans. I am already 
seeing increased compensation for folks in my line of business after going 
through a period of stagnation for years!

Really awesome news to cheer about!

Jim Fernandes
Scarsdale, NY.

On Wed, 5 Apr 2017 07:39:36 +0100, Gabe Menezes <gabe.mene...@gmail.com> wrote:

> For what it's worth my two cents....I don't think Trump will be able to
> bring back jobs. A case in point is the Carrier plant in USA. So big deal
> United technologies sacrificed 60 mm for the sale of 60 billion. At the end
> of the day the plant will be made of efficient with robots and the work
> force will be reduced.
> The moot point is that Robots are taking jobs, Only infrastructure projects
> could create jobs.
> I accept that the metrics in the USA changed and people wanted change, the
> Russians did not change the outcome perhaps! Did they interfere with the
> elections in collusion? That would be unacceptable and bring this thing
> round on your heels.
> -- 
> Gabe Menezes.

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