While tomorrow we all bid our final farewell to Goa's great warrior Adv.
Satish Sonak, Goa's greed-infected political class should introspect and
reflect as to the manner in which they have continued the degradation of
Goa, something that the late Satish Sonak was always very concerned and
disturbed about.

Our true tribute to this great departed soul, would be to steadfastly carry
on the great vision and mission that our Satish Sonak had embarked on.

Let us all vow to carry on the unfinished task Satish Sonak had undertaken
to Save what remains of Goa.

We will all depart this world one day, but our Goa must truly live sans all
this lip sympathy and rhetoric talk of Goem, Goenkar and Goenkarponn.

On 3 January 2016, the Herald had published an interview with him
headlining his quote “The Challenge Before Society Is Who Will Watch The

The funeral procession of our dear friend and truly Goa's watchdog Satish
Sonak will leave his residence, 'Ashwini ' Near St.Inez Church in Panjim at
10 am tomorrow morning (8th April) for the St.Inez crematorium.

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