Roland Francis:
With power in key states, their shenanigans will only get worse before it
gets better.

Roland, what has come as a novelty to you has been known to us here for
donkey's years. What the sangh parivar has in mind has been documented in
several books like We or our Nationhood Defined and Bunch of Thoughts by
Guru Golwalkar, RSS Chief or Brotherhood in Saffron by Walter Anderson and
Shridhar Damle among several books on the sangh parivar.

They have been single mindedly working towards these goals with generous
donations from NRI Indians based in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, NZ etc.

Subramanian Swamy disclosed the RSS plans as early as in 2000. Refer

The sangh parivar plans do not stop at the Muslims. They include
Christians, Communists and secular minded Hindus among other Indians. The
words of the Rev Martin Niemöller
<> (1892–1984)
ring very prophetic:

*First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out—Because I was
not a Socialist.*

*Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out—*

*Because I was not a Trade Unionist.*

*Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—*
*Because I was not a Jew.*

*Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.*

Just replace the words 'socialist' for 'muslims' ,  'trade unionist' for
'christians', "jews' for ' communists, secular minded Indians, dalits, and
tribals' and you will understand the game plan.

Subramanian Swamy inadvertently let out this plan in 2000 when he was at
loggerheads with the RSS.

Christians are also facing persecution but in a more subtle manner.
Christian NGO's are having their licences cancelled. Foreign donations are
blocked or asked to be re-routed through hindutva organisations. In the
rural areas christians are beaten and intimidated, their places of worship

Yes, India is in for very trying times. All those who rooted for this govt
now have plenty of time to ruminate.



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