Roland, would appreciate if you could kindly provide answers to the
following two questions:

1. What is special in atheism that in the last couple of centuries the most
barbarous lot happened to be atheists like Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Il
Sung, Hitler, etc. who killed and butchered millions and millions of people
and brought misery to the world. Closer home we had Jinnah and Advani. And
now Savarkar whose followers are running amuck in the country.

2. Can you name some prominent atheists who have been engaged with
alleviating human suffering by tending to lepers and HIV Aids people, or
mentally and physically challenged people, or the dying and destitutes, or
the homeless and needy, or to discarded babies and women in distress. And I
mean people who have soiled their hands and not thrown money.



*There will come a day when you get the opportunity to set your critical
thinking in motion and if logic, reason and science triumph over mere faith
and blind custom;Then you will realize that science voids the notion of a
soul and a life after death. You will breathe the air of truth and freedom
and appreciation of what this life really has to offer.You will no longer
have the false comfort of godly forgiveness from a god that has been
created by human beings to satisfy their own fears and to aid in the
exploitation of others. Truly as Hitchens writes: God is not great and
religion poisons everything.*

*They will address everything you need and want to know. There are more
Goan Catholics in the closet than you can imagine. If you are one of them,
I urge you to come out and be free of the thinking that binds from the
*Roland Francis*

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