Quite a bit has been written in social media about Eunice de Souza’s poetry
and persona over the past few days and not enough, may I suggest, about her
style of teaching. I was in her class in my final year, and what a contrast
it was, for me, from the preceding three years of college! In just a few
months I had been to film screenings at the Alliance Francaise and the
Russian consulate, poetry readings within the college and at the University
campus, had chatted with a Canadian writer, I forget his name, in the
college canteen, missed meet-ups with other writers, as also other cultural
excursions (my loss!), and contributed to both the college magazine as well
as Biblio (a cyclostyled annual magazine brought out by the college
library).  There was also the additional material (poems, stories etc)
especially cyclostyled and distributed to students to amplify, or throw a
cross-light, on content in the syllabus. All this while being regaled in
class by very accessible ruminations on poems, novels and plays, delivered
in an easy, conversational voice that would have hooked any listener to the
charm of stories printed in books. (Credit also, of course, to the
management of the college, which appeared to prefer as faculty people who
were practitioners in the disciplines they discoursed on; the English
department also fielded the writer Nisha da Cunha (HoD) and the poet Saleem
Peeradina (no mean, and innovative, a lecturer himself!) when I was there.
It was perhaps this all-embracing, immersive approach to teaching, the
enabling of an appropriate cultural surround, that made the greatest
impression on Eunice’s students and kept them in thrall, and obliged to
her, for many, many years after.

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