All kudos to you, Aires, for your bold and caustic letter to Goa's smug CM, 
calling him 'corrupt, communal and casteist' to his face. 
But, given the feudal minds of these BJPwalas, you might be unwittingly 
stirring up their wrath & inviting revenge. This land has not had much of an an 
intellectual or diplomatic tradition, so they are unlikely to respond by 
calling for a rational discussion or public debate on the hard issues of the 
day. More likely, emotion may be the driving factor, leading to erratic 
responses, such as a herd of confused cows released before you as you walk on 
the road, or seasoned 'goondas' hired to do injury. 
Many older Christian (and Muslim) Goans may be recalling more tranquil times in 
the State but with an established Hindu majority (and fanatics among them), the 
good old days are probably gone for good.
However, I'd like to propose a rather revolutionary idea of dividing Goa into 
two parts with a soft border - the South as home to most Christians and Muslims 
(like the Catholic Irish Republic) , the North for the HIndus, BJPwalas, cows 
and all. A friendly secession.
More importantly, South Goa should be entitled to a good bit of autonomy to 
conduct things their way and to exclude feudal/vedic groups if they don't 
Aires, is it such an outlandish idea? What do you think?Eddie


    On Wednesday, 2 August 2017, 6:27, Aires Rodrigues 
<> wrote:
Dear Mr. Parrikar,

Two decades ago, like many others, I too held you in great respect while
even working alongside you and the BJP, believing that you were a ray of
hope for Goa. But I had to part company after I was faced with evidence
that you are very corrupt, communal and casteist.

The people of Goa were hoping that you would heed the recent sensible
advice given to you by your dear friend Rajan Parrikar and gracefully pack
your bags. But as you haven’t, I am constrained to write to you this letter
hoping that you will allow Goa to move on.

In 2007 you had publicly vowed that it would be your last election. However
in that greed and lust for power you went back on your own word and
contested yet again in 2012 and became Chief Minister after promising the
people of Goa a Parivartan by way of Good Governance and Zero Tolerance to
Corruption. But given your string of swift U Turns, the people of Goa soon
realised that by trusting you and electing the BJP they landed from the
frying pan into the fire.

In November 2014 with the State engulfed in rampant Corruption, nepotism
and bad governance, you left a messed up Goa in a huff to be the Defence
Minister of India while you continued to deviously operate as the de-facto
Chief Minister reducing the then incumbent Laxmikant Parsekar to a mere

After your disastrous stint as Defence Minister, in March this year you
very deceitfully and through all crooked means forced yourself back as
Goa’s Chief Minister despite the people’s verdict having clearly been
against the BJP.

Panaji sadly remains a decaying and sinking city despite you having been
its MLA for over two long decades, thrice the Chief Minister and even went
on to be the Defence Minister of the country. With all the power at your
hands you could do nothing for your State and city. Incredibly, you now
have the audacity to seek yet another term as MLA despite your grim
performance or should we say non performance. This is despicable. Can you
give us one good reason as to why you should be re-elected? Infact there
are manifold grounds including your sheer arrogance why you should be
hounded away. You have now turned awfully rancid and run out of steam with
no ideas or vision flowing.

Over the years while you allowed Goa to sink you have minted a fortune for
your family to merrily feast on for generations. So, Mr. Parrikar, it is
time for you to gracefully pack up and hang up your very soiled boots so
that Goa which today has sadly become a gambling, prostitution, narcotics
and crime destination finally may see some much needed Acche din.

In the words of Abraham Lincoln ‘You can fool all the people some of the
time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the
people all the time”

Hoping better sense will prevail and wishing you a much deserved retirement.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012



You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues



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