Miracles happen
A student was dumb by birth. He had to bear the humiliations due to his
natural disability. He was mocked , jeered and chided. by his fellow
students The teacher added to his woes by asking him to communicate and
write his answer. He could not complain, retaliate and express his feelings
and he suffered in silence, offering to God his disability and praying for
bless sings on his uncharitable detractors. He pursued his studies with
single minded devotion and determination, not allowing his disability to
stand between him nor wallowing in self pity.He firmly believed in his self
to propel himself forward .Eventually he completed his B Com degree with
elan to the surprise of his colleagues and educators, who finally had a
word of appreciation for his achievements
He decided to join seminary and was almost rejected, but given a chance to
pursue his dream
He was first assigned as an assistant to Parish Priest for Saturday /
Sunday services. It was strange that there was none to volunteer for the
second reading. The PP then requested him to try and read, as he had never
done it before, He cried in the quiet of the sacristy , since he had never
spoken or read aloud once in his life his. stammering was embarrassment He
prayed fervently asking God to loosen his tongue if He desired that he
should be his faithful flower. When the moment came he mustered all his
courage, frightened to stand in front of the congregation. He decided that
he would cry , glance at the PP and then alight due to his permanent
disability. To his great surprise he could read without stammering for the
first time ever in his lifetime and that filled him with joy and grace .He
then went back to the seminary and completed his studies. One day a priest
was narrating this heart rendering story as apart of the homily In the end
he concluded in a slow and measured voice ,he whispered with tears in his
eyes"thank God' it is me the miracle dumb boy once after all. The power of
prayers and will of God has no parallel for those who believe in unshakable
faith the congreagtion was dumb founded and exploded ith joy praising God
nelson lopes chinchinim

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