no doubt, climate is changing. nevertheless, doubtful is the scientific explanation.

considering that the most fertile time on our planet was the carbon, from those time we got the coal. those days CO2 was 12% in the air, 300 times (not 300%) higher than now with temperatures around 55-60°C.

in europa during medieval times the vine yard area was 4times bigger than this days. vine depends much on warm climate. during the same time olives had been cultivated in north germany.

ice cores let us compare climat changes back till 6000BC. and, 218BC hannibal crossed the alps with elephants, in the 13th century many glaciers in switzerland had vanished.

remember, CO2 is needed by all vegetation. well, the establishment needs it too to accumulate money and i doubt that Sunita Narain is not aware of the fact. still her approach for India is positive. fidibus

Rebellion against the norms is Love for the Creation

skype:    fidibee


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