Road safety week.

A week is too short a period to be effective method to road safety,
Nevertheless some consciousness is aroused. It should be a continuous
process in action with meaningful outcomes.. The most visible pursuits are
to chase , challan those without helmets, as if  not wearing helmets is the
cause of accidents. Saving lives after accidents occur is a shallow
reasoning. What is the statistics of lives lost, maimed  for life in spite
of wearing helmets would be interesting? The main focus of safety
enforcement appears to be revenue enhancement for the cash strapped Govt
.No doubt sensational accidents seemed to be linked with two wheelers and
loss of young lives. The sale of bikes must compulsorily include helmets in
the costs. it should  not be optional for the pilion riders, ridiculous, as
if their lives are dispebnsable.. The quality of helmets worn just to
circumvent the rules is a  mockery. The lack of provision for securing
helmets and  also having to cart them along is cumbersome and   is
dissuasive., Minors, provided with bikes, arranging of  license  by parents
clandestinely, even to go to schools is abhorrent. There is no check on
mechanical  fitness of the  private vehicles. Lack of insurance should
invite heavy penalty and also driving without valid license. Too often the
dress of conductor dribver. no ticket in public vehicles takes precedence..
There is always a way out, if the enforcement is strict . The easy access
to license is another worry..Lack of  frequent  public transport facilities
is increasing the vehicle population on narrow roads, that have not kept
pace with large number of vehicles added every month. The loan enticements
adds to desire of owning a vehicle almost at will. The poor road lighting,
dispersion prevented by foliage  adds to woes at nights .The cattle menace
is aggravating road safety   Badly maintained, narrow, pot holed roads,
poor quality of roads specially during monsoons is a serious matter. The
potholes are only attended to after fatal accidents, hue and cry or post
monsoons. No one is bothered of dangerous  overcrowding in public
transport, delays, non schedule stops and using passenger  vehicles for
transport of goods. Where is the caution on over loading, rash and
negligent driving, under influence of alcohol, speeding specially to
collect passengers?  The fiat of S.C on liquor outlets  on Highways has
been tweaked to accommodate commercial, revenue and employment
considerations. Are eye tests , hearing impairment significant factors?
High light beams are blinding the oncoming traffic and drivers. .The width
of roads is the most neglected aspects thus far. The diversion of heavy
traffic during peak hours, ban of entry of such vehicles are worthy of
serious enforcements. It is a silly idea, misnomer  of convenience of
designating major district roads etc as National or part of National
Highways, as such roads are universally constructed to bypass  congested
towns and cities In spite of directions/ from MARD, the blind bends, scene
of freqquent accidents are crying for action  The proliferation of
unscientific speed breakers specially on National Highways are themselves
cause of serious accidents.The revenue generated by fines, road tax must
necessarily be used to improve road constructions, safety on priority.
There is no emphasis on manning traffic with signals, but outdated manual
 approach is still  in vogue

Goa a small state, but its share of road accidents compared  to the
National average is alarming. The easy availability of alcohol at every
nook and corner definitely makes it a heady mix. Bihar after introduction
of ban on alcohol has seemed to reduce road accidents appreciably. .There
should be an all India register of persons involved in accidents. Provision
of temporary suspension and permanent ban on driving, if  involved in
recurring accidents cases,. There should be a planned, directed
educational approach at various levels to consciencetise all concerned
.There seems to be no road discipline followed by road users. the two
wheelers are a law unto themselves. Separate laning concept for vehicles
has still not found favour. The regular  maintenance  of passenger
vehicles, strict check on drivers should be rigorously enforced . Some
minimum level of education of drivers, psychological test on patience,
alertness, quick response would go a long way. Mere deterrents without
education and human touch will come to nought

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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