Elphinston Railway foot  over bridge  stampede

The tragedy has snuffed life of 22 travellers and maimed scores of others
that could have been avoided .The alarm bells sounded ,red flagged several
times went unheard since Nov 2016. The letters, complaints, suggestion were
ignored and sidestepped for want of funds on this very issue. 106 years
foot old , only bridge has suffered structural stress and overdue for its
replacement even without the tragedy of stampede. The BJP and Shiv Sena are
playing blame shifting game . The allotted funds for infrastructure have
been bogged down by unresponsive bureaucracy bungling over priority. Chalta
hai attitude has been usual response. The frequency of trains has exhausted
time gap, due to demand outstretching safety norms. The rush at peak hours
on only foot bridge is tremendous due to several locals descending at the
same time. There is absolutely no monitoring of safety at rush hours or
spacing of trains to avoid the mad rush of commuters forced to use it . A
middle divider could control the stampede, The two way bridge for up and
down could also serve as a control of some sorts Besides the nuisance of
hawkers occupying scarce  space goes  overlooked under the nose of railway
security staff. The CTV should have highlighted the rush at peak hours .But
who cares to watch and initiate actions, Simply summarizing the new foot
bridge should have been in place or in planning and executing stage

Only a tragedy awakens our leaders and few days later when the emotions,
cries die down the situation is back as usual’ All the immediate steps will
be delayed with reasons till another day of similar or worst tragedy. In
stead of debating about the tragedy and how it could have been avoided. The
best alternative is immediate action to plan and construct wide and double
foot bridges to meet the growing demands of users We rae more enamoured
over bullet trains in stead of common man travel railways

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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