Have followed with interest the lyrics of above song that appeared in above 
issue as it is one of my favourite mandos. However I feel that a generous dose 
of  poetic licence has been taken  translating " ankuarpon" as lonesomeness. My 
Konkani is somewhat jaded  due to 75 years' absence from Goa. Nevertheless I 
think " ankuarpon" should be translated as spinsterhood This mando was sung at 
weddings and no other farewell parties. It marks the sadness of the bride as 
she leaves her old home for a new home. I know it was sung atmyi wedding.To 
suggest that this mando was sung at any other farewell party seems to me 
unenviable, if not  ipreposterous in the context of the mando words " Voch, 
voch re. Roddunaca, Deu feliz cortolo tuca"Is it conceivable that, as suggested 
in an accompanying write-up, " cudd" colleagues of able-bodied seamen headed 
for the docks to join a ship would burst in tears!!!? They might wish them. 
iGod speed and safe return. But isn't it too far-fetched to suggest they shed 
tears?  also, the wish or affirmation for future happiness would apply to the 
bride rather than the sea-men.there are also variarions from the original..  

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