Goa's irony and dilemma is that after having repeatedly brandished Vijai
Sardesai as very corrupt and a mega dalal, the very same Manohar
Gopalkrishna Parrikar for sheer political survival hugged the same Dalal
and had the brazen audacity of rewarding the very same Vijai Sardesai with
the prized plumb and very lucrative portfolio of Town & Country Planning.

The now senile Manohar Parrikar may have surrendered all his earlier values
and principles if any, but the people of Goa will never forgive him and his
new found dracula cum supari master Vijai Sardesai who is now all out to
bid farewell to Goa's few remaining hills and fields.

The curses of the people of Goa and the shock treatment by the Almighty
awaits Manohar Parrikar and Vijai Sardesai.

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