Elvidio Miranda

The writing is on the wall. Many, many years of badly planned so-called
development has landed Goa in a quagmire, from which it will find difficult
to extricate from due to the unchecked greying of Goa which has consumed a
lot of forest lands, hills, paddy fields and even large portions of land
which were actually idyllic tourist attractions. One major case in question
is the fate of Mopa which is still facing opposition by their only
organization against its construction to preserve their naturally endowed
land. Named as the Mopa Vimantal Pidit Xetkari Samiti which is still trying
tooth and nail to resist the forces which seem to be bulldozing the
construction of the airport, in violation of National Green Tribunal order
not to cut trees, this organization is one that should be given credit for
their fight against the government to impose upon the people a project
which is against the express wishes of the people. In fact trees are being
cut and the roots are being dug out probably to leave no evidence in
collusion with the Forest Department officials who are turning a blind eye
of this massive ravaging of the plateau which is a hot-spot of
biodiversity, home to many varieties of endangered animal species such as
bisons, squirrels, pangolins, porcupines, monkeys, wild boars, leopards,
deer, civet cats and many others birds and butterflies that adorn this
place and diverse flora. Goa’s so-called development can be analyzed by
taking the example of Mopa in itself which is an irony. Imagine that the
tourists come to Goa because of its greenery and its diverse flora and
fauna. Now consider that Mopa in itself is a place which is a microcosm of
what Goa has to offer to the discerning tourist and if this place in itself
is being converted into an airport which is supposed to bring in more
tourists, but the same tourists who wanted to actually marvel the flora and
fauna of Mopa, but on coming to Goa are not impressed with what they find
here, then we have to agree that the Goa government is trying to fly in
tourists by building Mopa but is not conserving bio-diverse areas such as
Mopa which is actually where tourists want to visit. The measly
compensation of Rs. 25 to Rs. 80 per square metre of land which is being
paid by the government to the displaced people will be devoured by the big
money flowing from huge corporate companies who making use of the formation
of PDA in Mopa, will considerably consume the land around Mopa with huge
five star hotels which will turn to naught the measly sums that they are
being paid. Also, it is pertinent to note that the six-lane highway that is
being built connecting the South to North will in a major way divest the
people of the South Goa, including the multi-star hotels from earning as
new big projects will sprout around Mopa. The people of the South should
fight tooth and nail at least to prevent the construction of the six-lane
highway otherwise the south will lose considerable business and their
livelihoods. Overdevelopment of Goa seems like bringing Goa to the brink of
a situation in which even the tourists are beginning to look for other
destinations. It is observed that foreign tourist arrivals have declined in
Goa. If tourism collapses in the state, with the mining industry facing a
bleak future, Goans will have hardly any other option to depend on since
the quality of ores are also not of high grade and any way mining is not a
permanent source of income but only as long as iron ore is available. Goa
is very soon going to find itself in a major dilemma as a sizable
population is dependent on tourism, which should be nurtured judiciously.

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