Dear friend,
On this the first day of the New Year we are reminded of the numerous blessings 
that God showers upon us and today, in particular, we are reminded of Mary the 
Mother of God, who is our greatest blessing. We know we can get used to the 
blessings we receive and either take them for granted or feel that we have a 
right to them. May Mary teach us to ponder all these things in our heart and 
appreciate all that God does for us. Have a Blessed and Happy New Year!–Fr. Jude
Sunday Ref. New Year “O God be gracious and bless us! Mary, Mother of God pray 
for us! 01-Jan-2018Numbers 6: 22-27;          Galatians 4: 4-7;          Luke 
2: 16-21;
The first reading from the book of Numbers strikes the right note. The New Year 
is a blessing from the Lord, one more year to live, one more year to grow, one 
more year to love! We are called to bless God, to praise Him and we in turn are 
blessed by God and reminded that we should bless one another. “This is how you 
are to bless the sons and daughters of Israel. May the Lord bless you and keep 
you. May the Lord let his face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the 
Lord uncover his face to you and bring you peace.”
Appreciating our blessingsTwo old friends bumped into one another on the street 
one day. One of them looked forlorn, almost on the verge of tears. His friend 
asked, "What has the world done to you, my old friend?" The sad fellow said, 
"Let me tell you. Three weeks ago, an uncle died and left me forty thousand 
dollars." "That's a lot of money." "But you see, two weeks ago, a cousin I 
never even knew died, and left me eighty-five thousand free and clear." "Sounds 
like you've been blessed...." "You don't understand!" he interrupted. "Last 
week my great-aunt passed away. I inherited almost a quarter of a million." Now 
he was really confused. "Then, why do you look so glum?" "This week... 
nothing!" It’s the same way with the blessings God gives us every day. I don't 
deserve the comfortable home I live in, the beautiful scenery around me, the 
clean water that I drink. But after receiving these gifts (and a multitude of 
others) for years, I sometimes fail to be grateful. I've come to expect these 
good things. And when one of them is removed I get upset.Alan Smith
In the Gospel we have the story of the shepherds who come to see the newborn 
king. The Israelites were waiting for the Messiah, but when he did come into 
the world few recognized him. It is only the simple shepherds who are blessed 
with the gift of seeing the Messiah. To meet the Lord, to receive his blessing, 
we have to be simple, like the shepherds, who believed the good news. They 
listened, they obeyed, they believed. They saw a baby wrapped in swaddling 
clothes, a very ordinary sight, yet they believed that this was the Son of God! 
It is faith that helps us to see the extraordinary in the ordinary events of 
life. This is the greatest blessing that we can receive - the gift of faith. It 
will help us to see the hand of God in all that happens in our life and to 
discover His presence in the very ordinary events of the new year. Mary too 
experienced the events taking place and pondered them in her heart. Her faith 
moved her to believe that this simple, homeless infant, lying in a manger, was 
the Son of God. Her faith made her share this gift of her child with the 
shepherds, the wise men and with all those who down the centuries have believed 
in him. Mary listened, she obeyed, she believed. Following the precepts of the 
law, she takes him to the temple to be circumcised. He was given the name 
“Jesus”! In whose name we are blessed each time we utter that name. Like Mary 
we could begin the New Year by blessing God and blessing everybody. It does not 
mean that we have to necessarily go on saying “God Bless you”! “God bless you!” 
but rather that we should be positive towards others, accepting and loving in 
our words and in our deeds. Everything, every time, and everyone is truly a 
blessing from God for those who believe!
Calling Him by name!Sometime ago I attended a funeral of an elderly lady who 
had several children all well settled in life, one of whom was deaf and dumb. I 
was happy to see that they had a person brought in to translate into sign 
language whatever was said during the mass. After the funeral service the whole 
family gathered for a little get-together in the parish house and it was good 
to see all the family members really making an effort to reach out to their dad 
who was in his 80’s, and would now be alone. After a while the deaf and dumb 
daughter spoke in sign language which the interpreter translated for us. She 
said she was grateful to her mum who made her feel special in spite of her 
difficulty. She shared how one day when she was seven she came home and tried 
to call her mother, ‘Mum’ which she had never done before because she was dumb. 
This dumb girl made an effort and finally got the sound ‘Maam’ with great 
effort on her part. She shared that when her mother heard her dumb daughter say 
‘Mum’ for the first time, it brought tears to her eyes and she embraced her. 
Only then did the dumb girl realize what a joy she had brought to her mother by 
calling her ‘Maam.’ Have we, who are believers, realized what a joy we give to 
our God when we call him ‘Abba Father’, and what a blessing it is when we say 
the name ‘Jesus’?Anon.
The big differenceA shoeshine boy was plying his trade in New York’s Grand 
Central Station. A silver medal danced at his neck as he slapped his shine 
cloth, again and again, across a man’s shoes. “Sonny,” said the man curiously, 
“what’s the hardware around your neck?” It’s a medal of the mother of Jesus,” 
the boy replied. “Why her medal?” said the man. “She’s no different from your 
mother.” “Could be,” said the boy, “but there’s a real big difference between 
her son and me.” The boy’s devotion to Mary, the mother of Jesus, invites me to 
ask: What role does Mary play in my life? How might she play an even bigger 
role?Mark Link in ‘Vision 2000’
Life is what you put into it!A son and his father were walking in the 
mountains. Suddenly, his son falls, hurts himself and screams: 
"AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" To his surprise, he hears the voice repeating, somewhere in 
the mountain: "AAAhhhhhhhhhhh!!!" Curious, he yells: "Who are you?" He receives 
the answer: "Who are you?" Angered at the response, he screams: "Coward!" He 
receives the answer: "Coward!" He looks to his father and asks: "What's going 
on?" The father smiles and says: "My son, pay attention." And then he screams 
to the mountain: "I admire you!" The voice answers: "I admire you!" Again the 
man screams: "God Bless you!" The voice answers: "God Bless you!" The boy is 
surprised, but does not understand. Then the father explains: "People call this 
ECHO, but really this is Life. It gives you back everything you say or do. Our 
life is simply a reflection of our actions. If you want more love in the world, 
create more love in your heart. If you want more competence in your team, 
improve your competence. This relationship applies to everything, in all 
aspects of life; Life will give you back everything you give to it."- Unknown
Being given a nameIn his book Roots, Alex Haley tells how his African ancestors 
name their children. Eight days after the child’s birth, the father took the 
child into his arms whispered its name into its ear. That night the father 
completed the ceremony. Carrying the child out under the stars, alone, he 
lifted the baby up to the sky and said, “Behold the only thing greater than 
yourself.” This naming rite helps us appreciate better the two rites that 
surrounded the birth of Jesus: circumcision and presentation. Circumcision 
initiated Jesus into the community of God’s chosen people. Presentation 
consecrated Jesus to God.Mark Link in ‘Daily Homilies’
Back door entryOne day God made a tour of heaven to check out the recent 
arrivals. He was shocked by the poor quality of many of those allowed in to 
live in heaven. So God went out to confront Peter about it. “You have let me 
down again.” He told Peter. “What’s wrong now?” Peter asked. “You have let a 
lot of people in that shouldn’t be here.” “I didn’t let them in.” Then who 
did?” “I turned them away at the front gate, but they went around the back and 
your mother let them in.” This story tells us that Mary is the Mother of God 
and our mother too and like any mother, her only interest is the happiness and 
salvation of her children.John Pichappilly in ‘Ignite Your Spirit’
Same One?One of my favourite stories is the one of about the sisters who were 
captives of the Japanese in the Philippines in World War II. They were allowed 
to have their services. They were celebrating a novena leading up to Christmas, 
bringing up the infant in procession and placing him on the altar. The Japanese 
guard watched all this with great interest. About the fifth day he figured it 
out and asked Mother McCarthy a question. “Same one?” he asked, pointing to the 
infant and the crucifix nearby. “Yes,” she replied. “Same one, and he said: 
“Sorry.” The story shows the intimate connection between Christmas and the 
cross. Perhaps only when she sees her son die on the cross that she realizes 
the full meaning of her title: Mother of God. On this special day, we give 
thanks to God for Mary’s inspiring example and ask for her intercession for 
peace in our world.John Pichappilly in ‘Ignite Your Spirit’
May we be blessed today and everyday of this New Year!
Fr. Jude Botelho botelhoj...@gmail.com
PS. The stories, incidents and anecdotes used in the reflections have been 
collected over the years from books as well as from sources over the net and 
from e-mails received. Every effort is made to acknowledge authors whenever 
possible. If you send in stories or illustrations I would be grateful if you 
could quote the source as well so that they can be acknowledged if used in 
these reflections. These reflections are also available on my Web site 
www.NetForLife.net Thank you.

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