Still a bozou by any other name does not become a bolinha, nor for that
matter, phirni.
—Venantius J Pinto

On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 6:42 PM, Venantius J Pinto <
> wrote:

> I see!
> —Venantius
> On Tue, Jan 2, 2018 at 3:32 PM, Eugene Correia <>
> wrote:
>> The story of Nehru defying Kennedy is "diplomatic" spin. Kennedy
>> seemingly okayed India's plan but kept public silence. The US didn't get
>> NATO into action as Portugal demanded. Portugal was part of the alliance.
>> Kennedy was convinced that Portugal was adamant in clinging to Goa,  USA
>> Ambassador, John Kenneth Galbraith, a Canadian-born US diplomat, played a
>> big role. earlier, Canadian Ambassador, Escott Reid, was also on India's
>> side.
>> Portugal was not paying heed to USA's plea to give up Goa. Portugal also
>> defied India's diplomatic efforts, till Nehru, pushed by circumtances and
>> pressure from the freedom fighters and Defence Minister Krishna Menon,
>> ordered the army to march into Goa.
>> What has happened since the, and the current problems, were not expected.
>> But they are realities niw.
>> Eugene
>> Sent from my iPad
>> > On Jan 1, 2018, at 1:39 PM, Roland Francis <>
>> wrote:
>> >
>> > The Praveen Davar article in the Hindu is either half-baked or
>> conveniently omits an inconvenient truth.
>> >
>> > The much touted claim that the Portuguese were obstinate and Nehru was
>> pushed into a corner by other Indians to use violence against Goa makes
>> fools of thinking people.
>> >
>> > How about the non-violent approach of allowing Goans themselves who
>> were virtually running the Portuguese administration in Goa, to determine
>> Goa’s future for themselves, within a broad Indian framework rather than
>> violently snatching it from them, thus  avoiding the Churchills Kamats and
>> Parrikars, the progeny of louts, to thrust themselves on a virgin Goa of
>> unblemished character.
>> >
>> > Did Nehru not foresee that his people are by an large a loutish lot
>> prone to indiscipline and corruption and quick to forget the values that
>> the British had drilled into them for 150 years. Did his intelligence and
>> statesmanship not take into account that the the gigantic number of louts
>> would squash the “liberated” territory, fashioning it in their own image of
>> loutishness.
>> >
>> > Or was he vain enough to think that his promises of “special treatment”
>> would be honoured by his surviving louts.
>> >
>> > Roland Francis
>> > 416-453-3371
>> >
>> >
>> >> On Jan 1, 2018, at 9:00 AM, Frederick Noronha <
>>> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> article22339624.ece
>> >> --
>> >> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
>> >> _/
>> >> _/  FN* फ्रेड्रिक नोरोन्या * فريدريك نورونيا‎ +91-9822122436
>> >> _/  RADIO GOANA:
>> >> _/
>> >> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/

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