The very belated move by the Goa Government to celebrate the January
16th Opinion
Poll day is yet another political stunt that will fool no self-respecting
Goan. This theatrical move has been orchestrated by the Goa Forward Party
to try in vain to deflect people’s attention from the credibility crisis
the party is facing across Goa.

Dr Jack de Sequeira, the Father of that Opinion Poll as the then fiery
voice of the Opposition toiled with a vision and passion towards the
development of Goa. Unlike many of today’s politicians who are
self-centered, he relentlessly raised and pursued issues concerning the
backward, down-trodden, and neglected communities of Goa. A Leader of his
integrity, honesty and commitment, we may now never see in this arena of
political pygmies.

Dr Jack de Sequeira always dared to speak from his heart and always walked
the talk. Only a few of such politicians still remain in our midst and will
also be always remembered for the good they have done for Goa. About the
rest and in particularly some of the current politicians in power who have
been steering and navigating Goa down the tube there will be no obituary to
write and no land remaining to even raise a Samadhi, leave alone a statue.

As a school student I had the privilege of interacting with Dr Jack de
Sequeira and with nostalgic feelimgs of witnessing his worthy debates in
the Legislative Assembly, always well prepared and ever so eloquent. Later
in 1977 after that State of Emergency I had the occasion of addressing many
public meetings along with that great and inspiring leader.

The January 16th 1967 Opinion Poll was historic but successive governments
have miserably failed to take concrete steps to preserve the Goan identity
for posterity. The levels of corruption, nepotism and bad governance has
never been as bad as what we have witnessed over the last six years with
the merciless rampant destruction and devastation of Goa.

Instead of preserving Goa’s unique culture, the Goa government's flawed
policies has reduced the local population to a minority thus diluting the
linguistic and cultural identity of Goa. A once peaceful and serene Goa has
today sadly become a drug, gambling, prostitution and crime destination.

Dr Jack de Sequeira must be rolling in his grave seeing the pathetic state
of a sinking Goa where after having heartlessly destroyed the hills and
fields we have reached a desperate point of having to even import Coconuts
from Sri Lanka. Sorrowing lies our Goa with our Osmitai (identity) long
faded away.

Aires Rodrigues

Advocate High Court

C/G-2, Shopping Complex

Ribandar Retreat,

Ribandar – Goa – 403006

Mobile No: 9822684372

Office Tel  No: (0832) 2444012




You can also reach me on AiresRodrigues


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