First of all, I think this is just a blatant attempt to distract attention
and polarise people once over again, even as the government of the day
currently faces a number of scams and embarrassment -- right from judges
fighting each other at the Supreme Court, to a national database (Aadhaar)
being stolen and sold for a few hundred rupees, the economy doing badly,
Quioxit decisions like demonetisation affecting many, and the complex (and
at times extortionate) GST or goods and services tax cutting sharply into
the small businesses.

Roland, I think you're just speaking with the benefit of hindsight. After
1947 and 1961 (in Goa's case, evacuee property), very few would have had a
clue as to what policies the governments of New Delhi and Rawalpindi would
take in the months ahead. Besides, when they fled their land (sometimes due
to violence), most probably thought they would be returning.

In Goa's case, it was all the more complex, because the region had been
annexed and there was no free choice over the division of population, as
was the case between India and Pakistan.

If I understand right, the Enemy/Evacuee Property laws are based on the
laws that colonial Britain implemented against German citizens during World
War I!

Anyway, something which could polarise everyone is good to distract public
opinion. Really.


On 14 January 2018 at 23:58, Roland Francis <>

> I suppose the share of Pakistani Goan family members in their ancestral
> properties in Goa have already been informally ‘expropriated’ by their
> Indian relatives.
> I am sure that where the sole owner of the property in Goa has continued
> to settle in Pakistan after partition the Goa Govt will soon find a way of
> declaring that ‘Enemy Property’ eventually having it go the way of
> communidade lands, if they have not already done so.
> Why blame the Govt alone when the average citizen has learned how to grab
> property not their own.
> Roland Francis
> Toronto.
> > On Jan 14, 2018, at 12:19 PM, Floriano Lobo <>
> wrote:
> >
> > This is absolutely ridiculous. Goans in Pakistan are not enemies but bona
> > fide Goans. India will have to pay heavily for this move especially when
> it
> > is illegal in GOA.

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