Dr Jack Sequeira resurrected

The renewed tamasha after 51 years  to erect statue has not lost on any one
.It is a political move to gain mileage., The Congress when in power did
precious little towards this issue., Now they are raising
objections.,protests by boycott, Their formal,  inconsequential
celebrations , honouring sundry individuals without people participation at
different Talukas was an eyewash. The GFP is  moving forward politically
much to the surprise of the voters, but at least they have brought the
issue in sharp focus. .The MGP has no  credible defense too offer, except
that the  people have forgiven them, as if re election is measure of
peoples appreciation of defeat of merger?  What is the presence of MGP in
assembly. Their stalwarts like Shasikala, Rane , Kalap have long deserted
the party for greener pastures which qualified the party to be disbanded
having lost its avowed purpose. All the 40 MLA including, C.M, Ministers
enjoying the power is only because the Goa  is State by the virtue of
Opinion poll ,that  ensured its separate identity. Otherwise Goa would just
be District with a Collector . Our composite culture, Konkanni language for
which Goa is famous tourist destination would have long  been hanged by the
lamp post. Even than Marathi has been given back door recognition to
appease the mergerists and favaoured in MOI

The statue of first CM at old secretariat should have been more than
justified as the honour to him.  A Samadhi at Campal  is not a place of
 intended reverence to his memory.. The only gold Bandodkar trophy has lost
its luster and shine. .Another Statue  at Assembly Complex is totally
misplaced and  myopic vision. He did everything at his command to toil for
merger. MGP its designation/.nomenclature suggests exactly that even though
now its full form is tom foolery, with initials still
maintained. Glorifying Bandodkar with exalted position on pedestal as the
only monument in stone at  New Assembly Complex is out of tune , reason,
  lacks credibility and  has no meaning  for independent Goa, which he
tried to subvert with all his might .Though the Catholics were in minority,
others supported the opinion poll in its victory. It is not minority Vs
majority in clear margin .The press deliberately refrains from  publishing
the details of the results, which would have given clear vision to  the
present generation  who desired its continuity and independence The growth
as state is a barometer of success among the states of India

The idea of statue  is not the best in present times to perpetuate his
memory .There should be separate place to raise the statues of all and
sundry on the line of Arlington Cemetry  for politicians to be alive in
death if land resource is a constraint. His name has not found favour even
to name a project .The father of opinion poll has been ignored and dumped
historically.., BJP with MGP is only pandering and pondering on vote
banks.. Statues  at best only create awareness and, not curiosity to be
conscious and dig deeper in their life., The plaque of  installation is
more prominent to make them indelible in sands of time. Canopy can protect
from bird droppings and enclosure assure safety against inclement weather.
Some like Mayati,  Sadam Hussain. Idi Amin erected statues when alive and
we know the fate of these monstrosities, Other statues have been confined,
shifted to museums .Besides the statues are vandalized, destroyed creating
communal  tensions and flare ups. The statues are given milk bath once a
year, garlanded with great fan fare and forgotten for the rest of the
year., There is no maintenance at all. Statues are eyesores on the horizon

Move away from this static idea, decaying notion of immortality of statues
by  annual forced respect.. The idea of pyramids is buried with Pahraos .Have
annual day functions  to commemorate opinion poll. , Honour many a unknown
face like freedom fighters. Not instituting pensions, Are not those who
fought to retain identity of Goa deserve recognition?, Establish a chair in
university, let the movement be included in study by young generation,
institute an scholarship, awards competitions at various levels, in his
honour, promote research in the history of opinion poll tributes to him in
song and verse, a referendum that was the only one in India  and
unconstitutional, providing no remedy against its outcome. Name some
projects like bridges, hospitals, institutes ,social programmes gardens,,
hold seminars, lecturers, etc  a museum dedicated to Dr Sequeira . . Dr .
Sequeira. with his stature deserves honour. Various small programmes that
will resonate his memory. more frequently and purposefully to project that
he is alive in death. Bring out first day cover and stamp in his honour.
Open other useful projects for the benefit of the society to keep him in
the monument of our heart and mind . The idea of opinion poll square,
inaugurated in advance, renaming the stretch of the road and its protection
is raising eyebrows. Have a special  photo gallery  of politicians to make
them immortal, who otherwise lose all relevance when out of power. DR
Sequeira worked for a cause not for an applause Use public sympathy to
erect an statue, if that is the only means towards immortality. If one
 individual person needs to be honoured for separate identity of Goa it is
none other than DR SEQUEIRA

The controversies are favourite diet and pastime of politicians to divide
voters, polarize to win election as promoters of  illusive people interest.
Only at Calangute, the private initiative has statue of Dr SEqueira, that
is a pointer of others silence. that we do not need Govt patronage to
honour our worthy Goans. He will not be gratified  by our remembrance or
insulted by  our indifference , ingratitude  by our failure to honour him.
What would please him in his grave is our determination not to sell Goa,
Goans and Goenkarpon and mortgage our identity for thirty pieces of silver
like Judas

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim.

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