In a sense it is about doing what is right, doing the right thing at the
right / particular season, moment, situation, …
Like when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

So, Tempa Pormonnem Mateak Kurponem to those interested would be.
Literally: According to the season / hour (situation, time—so to speak) the
head is adorned / blessed.

I am sure others know a thing or two about the above. I am welding my
Konkani sword from afar. :)

Like, in church a veil, or a hat for women.** The veil has been largely
ignored,*** and hats in our version of adhunikta (modernity) is a whole
other story. Men do not wear a hat in church.
**But our mentally afflicted would go nuts at women wearing hats, including
many of the women too.
***Now it is worn only by those who maintain some of the old ways, and some
who in times of duress and storming heaven—present themselves to God as a
certain whole, in a holistic manner.

To bring it closer to home and seeing from across what the other does not
realize, care, or is permitted.
When in Goa, do not!—F‡§☞◊‽⁂ defecate on our land. It’s your “Goanese Ma
Na?” (Goan mother no?)
But, our shithead pols, and NGOs will not make provisions, that such does
not happen; except in emergencies, including in poskotto futlo situations.


—Venantius J Pinto

On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 12:19 PM, MD <> wrote:

> Thanks Mr. Pinto.
> "But apparently, we Goans have a propensity of operating on a few too many
> layers in one existence."
> That prompted me to Google the word 'propensity' for meaning. Here it is:
> 'Propensity (noun) means=an inclination or natural tendency to behave in a
> particular way.'
> I also recalled that phrase from P&P 1995 BBC series:
> MR DARCY: I believe every disposition has a tendency to some particular
> evil.
> ELIZABETH BENNET: Your defect is a propensity to hate everyone.
> More:
> 'V' says: "As my mother would say: Tempa pormonnem matteak kurponem."
> Will a literal translation match the original meaning and context?
> Any takers?
> MD
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2018 13:36:05 -0500
> From: Venantius J Pinto <>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
>         <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Facing neglect, Goa's state flower `Abolim' set
>         to bloom again
> Message-ID:
>         <CAOY3LjNJKfW8MwgHRopOoi2wokjw4O+5ur4pSvxtMfTQmVe4cQ@mail.
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> The neglect should be seen as one way that mother be damned not adorned.
> Decide on the mother?!
> +
> A segway: As my mother would say: Tempa pormonnem matteak kurponem.
> SEE first image of, Ode to a Fragment of Silence (a funereal book to my
> Dad)
> :
> 10152296522167370.1073741833.605552369&type=3&theater
> Even among Catholics, the last time a woman wears / adorns her head with a
> flower is at the funeral of her husband. But few know.
> These are traditional protocols assimilated in the christian lived
> aesthetic.
> Venantius J Pinto
> On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 6:20 AM, Gabe Menezes <>
> wrote:  * <>*

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