Later this year, Cape Town in South Africa faces an unthinkable
situation. Barring a climactic miracle, this prosperous, famously
beautiful coastal city with over four million residents will become
the first major urban entity in the world to run out of water. Just
this week, the city administration warned of less than 90 days supply
remaining in the reservoirs. Three years of severe drought, combined
with continuing unchecked usage, has produced a stark and unavoidable
deadline. On April 22, fearfully called “Day Zero”, municipal water
supply will be turned off for everything but the most essential
services, such as hospitals. After that the plan is something out of
dystopian science fiction – each individual will have to go to a water
distribution centre for a daily ration of 25 litres, with the entire
process overseen by armed guards.

This is uncharted territory for Cape Town, and the effects of this
dramatic event cannot be predicted. No one can anticipate what will
happen after Day Zero, when 5000 people start lining up every morning
to collect water rations. Probably the city will empty out, as other
parts of South Africa have sufficient water resources to support
larger numbers of people. Other parts of the world have fared very
badly as climate change continues to steeply raise temperatures and
alter longstanding weather patterns. Just a few days ago, the veteran
foreign correspondent Somini Sengupta wrote in the New York Times,
“Nigeria. Syria. Somalia. And now Iran. In each country, in different
ways, a water crisis has triggered some combination of civil unrest,
mass migration, insurgency, or even civil war. In the era of climate
change, their experiences hold lessons for a great many other

That list begins with India, which uses (actually wastes) more
groundwater each year than China and the United States combined,
adding up to a full quarter of the global total. Since the Green
Revolution, the country has relied heavily on its groundwater
reserves, which feeds over 60% of irrigated agriculture and almost 90%
of domestic water use. This has led to a steady decline in levels,
sometimes at the rate of a metre per year. NASA ranks the Indus basin
aquifer which feeds much of North India the second most stressed in
the world. By 2030, at least 60% of the country’s groundwater
resources will be in a critical condition, placing agriculture at risk
in several states.

These are very high stakes, which is precisely why Karnataka shut
itself down earlier this week in protest over the Mhadei water dispute
with Goa. Unconvinced with pre-elections political chicanery and
bluffing about “reasonable and justified” extra-judicial sharing,
pro-Kannada groups enforced a state-wide bandh that extended to bus
services between the neighboring states. Whether or not that action is
justified, the sentiment is perfectly understandable. It is an
expression of desperation. Large parts of the state experienced
sustained drought for almost a decade, killing off agriculture and
forcing large-scale migration. The situation improved in 2017 thanks
to unexpected monsoon bounty, but now everyone in Karnataka knows just
how important water can be.

That essential lesson has somehow not filtered to Goa yet, despite
ample red flags and warning signs. Before a late burst of showers, the
last monsoon was running an extremely 25% deficit right into September
last year. A few months earlier in the height of summer, state
officials registered water levels lower than 50% of capacity in four
of the five major reservoirs that supply drinking water to most
citizens. The situation mercifully resolved itself, as it has been a
decent run of adequate rains for several years for India’s smallest
state, but no one can expect that record to continue endlessly in this
era of climate change and extreme weather events.

As with the other severe problems menacing Goa, water resources are
abysmally mismanaged in Goa. Instead of harvesting and conservation on
a war footing, there is extraordinary profligacy and absurdly
unsustainable practices. Much of the dubiously approved new
construction in the state – the Kadamba plateau is a particularly
egregious example – is built despite the absence of water resources.
These allegedly premium property developments are served by tankers,
which very often steal water from already depleted community
resources. It might seem manageable today, and perhaps for a little
while longer while the going is good, and the state’s many rivers
still flow fast from the Ghats to the sea. But as we have seen just
this week, from Cape Town to Karnataka, all that can change very fast

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