From: "Augustine Coelho"<>Sent: 
Mon, 05 Feb 2018 23:49:48To: "Joaquim 
 Lobo"<>,"Edward Verdes&qu
    Subject: LETTER TO THE EDITOR          
From,                    &nbsp
;                                                                     AUGUSTINE
COELHO                                                                                          House
 No. 892,  
                                                                                        Naika-Vaddo,                                                                            &
nbsp;             Aldona,
Bardez,                                                                                          Goa.
508.                                                         &nbs
06/02/2018                         To,The
 Editor,Panjim, Goa. Dear Sir, Kindly publish this letter in your 
esteemed daily.  Is it permitted or even tolerable to place a 
‘Resurrected Image of Christ’ on the wooden Cross behind the Main 
Altar ? At the Mass, we are at the foot of the cross, Mass does not represent 
Holy Thursday, and it does not represent Easter Sunday. It is an actual 
sacrifice of the cross. Also, looking at the Crucifixion of Our Lord's 
suffering is important for each of us because in our suffering looking up at 
the Crucifix gives us support when things are heavy on our own souls. I have 
seen in several Churches the Ri
 sen Christ; it makes me sad, because before the glory, comes SUFFERING and our 
young Catholics and perhaps even converts are not learning this. The Mass is a 
commemoration and re-enactment of Calvary, the Crucifixion, and the 
Sacrifice.   The Modern Churches views the mass as a community 
meal, a representation of the last supper. They do not see the mass as a 
sacrifice. They think the image of Christ Crucified is "depressing" 
and they repeat the protestant talking point that Traditional Catholics want to 
"put Jesus back on the cross". They forget that Holy Scripture says, 
1 Corinthians : [23] “But we preach Christ crucified, unto the 
Jews indeed a stumblingblock, and unto the Gentiles 
foolishness”. Most Catholic Churches which were built before the 
‘radical changes’ of Vatican II would never have such a choice of 
Religious Decoration placed behind a Main or High Altar. The Proper & More 
Appropriate Decorat
 ion would be that of a Calvary scene, even that of Our Blessed Lady, or a 
particular Saint in the back ground - in order to ‘highlight’ the 
true meaning of the Mass - as a ‘Sacrifice’  which is what 
happens at every True & Valid Mass - though in an ‘Unbloody 
Manner’.  Unlike the Protestants theirs is more of a happy meal 
!!! Thanking you, Yours truly, Augustine Coelho.E-mail:- 
augustine18coelho@rediff.comTel.: 9225909023 Attachment – Image of 
‘Resurrected Christ’on the wooden Cross behind the Main 

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