Here it is that I quoted from (see last para) which  I had found in google 



Board Member, USA, United Bid Committee 2026
Vice President of U.S. Soccer
Carlos Cordeiro has three decades of experience in international business and 
finance and serves as Vice President of the U.S. Soccer Federation. His 
experience in leadership and governance continues today as an advisor to 
leading corporations globally. Cordeiro is a committed sports advocate, 
philanthropist and business leader, and a true citizen of the world.
Cordeiro’s business experience is rooted in international finance. His early 
career was with Manufacturers Hanover Trust Company in New York and Credit 
Suisse First Boston in London. In 1992, he was elected a Partner at Goldman 
Sachs, where he oversaw the growth of the firm’s government advisory and 
financing businesses around the world. He is now an honorary Advisor to the 
Goldman Sachs Group. Cordeiro was elected to the board of the world’s largest 
global natural resources group BHP Billiton, headquartered in Melbourne, 
Australia in 2005
Cordeiro has been a part of U.S. Soccer’s governing body since 2007, when he 
became the Federation’s first Independent Board Member. In February 2016, he 
was elected Vice President. Previously, Cordeiro served as Treasurer, Chair of 
the Budget Committee, Director of the U.S. Soccer Foundation, and Vice Chairman 
of the U.S.’s bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup™. Since 2016 he has also 
represented U.S. Soccer in CONCACAF’s Finance Committee and, since January 
2017, as a member of FIFA’s Football Stakeholders Committee™.
Carlos Cordeiro was born in India in 1956 to Goan and Colombian parents. He is 
a graduate of Harvard College (AB, magna cum laude in Economics, 1978) and 
Harvard Business School (MBA, 1980).

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