I believe she may be hearing the music. Something could vibrate in her
brain. Hope.

Cecilia and I will hold you both in our minds, and keep you both in our

Remain in togetherness,
(Learning this as we deal with something that has visited us too)


On Tue, Feb 20, 2018 at 3:48 PM, Mervyn Maciel <> wrote:

> Many thanks Eugene and Venantius for your kind words and advice.
> Yes, Venantius, I do play many of her favourite tunes and not long ago,
> with the help of a cousin and good friend, recorded(on CD) many old
> favourites in
> which I sing(I've always loved singing and used to be an admirer of old
> Bing Crosby! Her favourite Konkani song was 'Thamde Rosa tuje polle"
> sadly, she can't join me in singing any longer since, in addition to her
> dementia,
> she has this 'dropped neck syndrome'  meaning she can't raise her neck up
> or down
> or even sideways. Painful to see her struggle to eat, drink or even sleep
> in this awkward
> position.
>    My only consolation  lies in the fact that there are many around the
> world, much
> younger than us, who are going through far difficult times. We have a lot
> to be thankful for.
>    Once again  - I thank you for your kind words.
> Mervyn Maciel

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