Every so often, a single data point pierces through volumes of
statistics to reveal the heart of a complicated socio-economic
landscape. One such moment of truth is on hand for India, in the
findings of a new United Nations report surveying 89 countries on
“progress and challenges in implementation” of global sustainable
development goals as “examined through a gender lens”. Here it is,
plain and simple: “the average age of death for Dalit women is 14.6
years lower than that for higher caste women”. Anyway ranking very low
by every international standard, the average age of death for higher
caste women across India is 54.1years. But for Dalit women the average
age of death is just 39.5 years.

In this 70th year of independence, there is considerable hype and
backslapping congratulation about the “tryst with destiny” that bound
together a scattered and disparate nation of a myriad different
peoples, and surged irrepressibly out from the colonial yoke to vault
into the space age. But in that famous speech at the Red Fort on
August 15, 1947, Jawaharlal Nehru also pledged, “To bring freedom and
opportunity to the common man, to the peasants and workers of India;
to fight and end poverty and ignorance and disease; to build up a
prosperous, democratic and progressive nation, and to create social,
economic and political institutions which will ensure justice and
fullness of life to every man and woman.” Here, the report card is
grim. India has comprehensively failed.

It’s true the topography of human development varies considerably
across the country. Goa and Kerala perform with the best of Asia,
ranking right alongside the developed world. Several of the North
Eastern states have banked on traditional tribal values to do very
well, even in difficult political and economic scenarios. But right
across the most populated parts of India, mismanagement and
under-performance have been entrenched for generations, with
inequalities evident between upper and lower castes, and also rural
and urban populations. For instance, this same UN report also found
that young women in the Indian countryside are over 21 times less
likely to go to school than their sisters in the cities, and almost 6
times more likely to become an adolescent mother.

It’s impossible to ignore the severity of the fact that the average
Dalit woman in India will not live to see her 40th birthday. According
to the World Health Organisation’s most recent rankings, women in
Japan (ranked first) have a life expectancy of 86.8 years. In at least
37 countries, including Israel (84.3), South Korea

(85.5), Portugal (83.9), and Maldives

(80.2), the average woman can expect to live twice as long as Dalit
women in India. Even the worst-off, war-torn countries of Africa have
better numbers. This is beyond appalling, or just another cause to be
ashamed. It calls into question the national reason for being.

Before India became a republic, the visionary B R Ambedkar hit
bullseye again and again in his last speech to the constituent
assembly (where he served as chairman of the drafting committee). He
said, “On the 26th of January 1950, we are going to enter into a life
of contradictions. In politics we will have equality and in social and
economic life we will have inequality. In politics we will be
recognising the principle of one man one vote and one vote one value.
In our social and economic life, we shall, by reason of our social and
economic structure, continue to deny the principle of one man one
value. How long shall we continue to live this life of contradictions?
How long shall we continue to deny equality in our social and economic

Ambedkar said “castes are anti-national” because “they bring about
separation in social life”. He underlined, “political power in this
country has too long been the monopoly of a few and the many are only
beasts of burden, but also beasts of prey…it has sapped them of what
may be called the significance of life. These down-trodden classes are
tired of being governed. They are impatient to govern themselves…the
sooner room is made for the realisation of their aspiration, the
better for the few, the better for the country, the better for the
maintenance for its independence and the better for the continuance of
its democratic structure. This can only be done by the establishment
of equality and fraternity in all spheres of life.” Seventy years
later, the the challenge remains exactly the same.

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