Dear Readers
Herald is the only English local e- paper continue to go paid. Whereas all
others like Navhind Times, Gomantak Times, The Goan,Times of India  and
Goan Observer people can still read them on line. Thanks to their Editors
for their help and gratitude to us readers who were used to read them quite
number of years on line.
I met number of readers  and friends who told me that they stopped buying
Herald as they cannot afford to pay everyday Rs.5/ per day because they are
jobless, some of them are graduates and unable to get employment as they
cannot afford to bribe or pay lacks of rupees to Ministers to  get the
right  job. On line reading for Herald is gone case now,  but people still
like to read Herald  going to Libraries or borrowing them from friends as
this paper is in demand.
I had requested Raul owner of this paper who is my friend could not
reinstate On Line service. Therefore, Voice of Goa of Herald perhaps is
slowly diminishing.
I  know very well that cost of printing, stationery, salary of staff and
other overhead charges etc is rising and surely this paper which have
greatest circulation so far among other newspapers could very well afford
by absorbing  its cost and thus helping  our unemployed Goan youth  to read
the paper.
Better sense will prevail.

Stephen Dias
Dona Paula
9th March 2018
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 7 Mar 2018 11:43:09 -0500
From: Eugene Correia <>
To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

Will other Goa newspapers follow suit? Do Goa has many online newsreaders?
I believe many prefer to read hard copies instead of digital ones.
That brings me to the question: Are there any newspapers in India who have
erected a paywall? Newspapers in North America are struggling and many like
the Washinton Post, New York Times, Toronto Star, etc are working hard to
gain online subscribers. The Guardian hasn't done yet but requests its
readers to subscribe. Even The Atlantic, a good mag, is going or gone
subscriber-based. Some newspapers off 5 to 7 articles Free per week to read.


On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 3:58 AM, Menino de Valpoi <
> wrote:

> You deserve applause for this one single sentence Claude.  You have hit
> the nail on the right spot.
> From: Claude Alvares []
> Sent: 05 January 2018 01:32
> To: Derek Almeida <>
> Cc: Stephen Dias <>;; Goa's
> premiere mailing list, estb. 1994! <>;
><>; Menino de
> Valpoi <>; Sujay Gupta <>;
> editor <>; editor <>; navhind <
>>; gteditor <>; lpost <
>>; shashwat gupta ray <>; Times
> of India <>;; Joel Afonso <
>>;; navin jha <
>>; Basuri Desai <>;
> Vithaldas Hegde <>;; dainik
> herald <>; Dainik Gomantak <
>>; donraulfernandes <
> Devika Sequeira <>; Antonio Mascarenhas <
>>; Dr.Nandkumar Kamat <>; Aam
> Aadmi Party, Goa <>; Aires Rodrigues <
>>; Ashwin Tombat <>;
> boscoeremita <>; Alexandre Moniz Barbosa <
>>; Oscar Carmino Lobo <>; Fr.
> Cedric Prakash <>; docoscar67 <
>>; Kalidas Sawkar <>;
> Digamber Kamat <>; Vijai Sardesai <
>>; sardinha <>; Eduardo
> Faleiro <>; Elvis <>; ELVIDIO
> MIRANDA <>; AAP Panaji <>; Judith
> Almeida <>; Edwin/Diana Pinto <
>>; Claude Alvares <>
> About time everyone pays for paid news
> On Jan 5, 2018 12:48 AM, "Derek Almeida" < <mailto:
>> > wrote:
> It's time everyone starts paying for news.
> On 03-Jan-2018 11:06 AM, "Stephen Dias" < <mailto:
>> > wrote:
> Dear Readers of Herald
> The news is spread like fire throughout the state of Goa in this  NEW Year
> 2018  due to changes have taken place for those who are used to go online
> and Herald is the paper which  Goans now cannot read online from today
> onwards unless the payment is made as per their terms and conditions for
> payment procedure.
> This was shocking news for all of us. Most of us are used to get up in the
> early morning, even at 3 AM or 4 AM  onwards and go to the computer to
> the news but surprisingly Herald cannot be accessed if payment is not made
> in advance. Those Goans who are settled abroad must have also got the
> shocking news or jerk and especially those staying in Gulf, Canada, UK,
> Australia, US and other parts of the world will not get the VOICE OF GOA
> instantly if payment is not made, and who knows slowly other newspapers
> will follow the same system. This will give another jerk for Goans if all
> other newspapers follow the same tactics.
> Herald said this amount is just a peanut and it cost less than a cup of
> tea. Fine, I agree but how many people go for tea in restaurants/cafe's
> they most of them prefer to have tea at home in the morning,  but the
> newspapers are a usual style for Goans even before brushing teeth to see
> read the paper online.The cost of newspapers in Goa is only Rs 5/- for
> Herald, Navhind Times, and others are still less than that. I am not
> surprised that this cost also will increase for all the newspapers in days
> to come.
> New Year started with a bang on Herald to read this paper on LINE which is
> so bad?
> Will the owner of Herald take it back?  All the newspapers get
> advertisement enough and thus make their expenses well calculated. This
> Voice of Goa will come down and people may not know what is happening in
> Goa until they buy Herald paper through their agents or stalls etc.
> Therefore the speed of spreading news fast will be curtailed and hence
> people will get used to staying home with no news till lunch break thus
> YEAR we can say gave us a  set back for those who are accustomed to
> Herald early in the morning on LINE.
> What about writers?   why do they not get their pocket money once they
> write some articles or letters to the Editor? They too should be given
> benefit since they waste their time and petrol cost for their
> bikes/vehicles, photography etc to get the news promptly to the newspapers
> and none of the papers so far thought of them except for their usual
> columnists who are well satisfied and almost same writers is been
> benefitted and not others. Will that trend of payment will start for these
> writers? Let all get their benefit of some pocket money including the
> owners of newspapers.
> Stephen Dias
> Dona Paula
> Dat:  3th Jan 2018
> mob: 9422443110
> Message: 2
> Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2018 13:23:33 +0530
> From: Frederick Noronha < <>
> To: Goanet < <>>
> Subject: [Goanet] Herald's epaper to go 'paid'
> Message-ID:
>         < <mailto:CAMCR53K2Ore_biNX05dSQbuJmkQ9uo%
>> CAMCR53K2Ore_biNX05dSQbuJmkQ9uo+
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Herald, the Goa-based newspaper, has announced that its online epaper will
> go paid from January 3, 2018.
> It's announcement in its newspaper today showed up on its front page, and
> was headlined: "Nominal monthly subscription for Herald's epaper from Jan
> 3. At Rs 4.30 per day, Herald requests its family of readers to support
> paper's digital evolution."
> After saying that the paper was being read "in the eastern hemisphere...
> (and) in the extreme West of the world" the paper this would help it to
> "enhance and maintain the quality of the epaper and at the same time
> in making the website cutting edge (sic) coupled with additional news
> gathering efforts, we need to imbibe the best technology and news
> resources."
> FN

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