Dear Friend,
We live in uncertain times and we are never sure of what is going to happen to 
the world and to ourselves. While most soldiers and their leaders are never 
certain of whether they would come back triumphant, alive or dead, from the 
battles they face, Jesus, as he prepared to face his passion and death, was 
certain of His Father’s love and the ultimate victory that the Father promised 
him. We too can be certain that the Father’s love will never fail us! Have an 
affirming weekend! -Fr. Jude
Sun. Refl. 5th Sunday of Lent “God’s love is eternal. His death renews life! ” 
18-Mar-2018Jer: 31: 31-34;          Heb. 5: 7-9;          John 12: 20-33;

Today’s passage from Jeremiah provides comfort to the people in the midst of 
his gloomy predictions. The comforting part was the fact that Yahweh was going 
to make a New Covenant in the new and final age of salvation. This New Covenant 
would be God-centered and like the Old it would involve the people of God in 
the response shown to God’s law. But the New Covenant would last forever and it 
would not be written on stone tablets or in books but on men’s hearts, as God 
would intervene directly. All this ‘newness’ would be made possible because God 
would create ‘a new heart’ for his people and give them ‘a new spirit.’ “I will 
be their God and they shall be my people.”

How I would love to know you!Once there was a salt doll that lived so far 
inland that she had never seen the sea. Consumed with a desire to see the sea 
she walked hundreds of miles towards the ocean. At last she arrived and she 
stood by the seashore; enraptured by the wonder of what she saw she cried out, 
“O Sea, how I would love to know you!” To her surprise and delight the sea 
responded to her, “To know me you must touch me.” So the little salt doll 
walked towards the sea and as she advanced into the oncoming tide she saw to 
her horror that her toes began to disappear. Then as her feet began to 
disappear she cried out, “O Sea, what are you doing to me?” The sea replied, 
“If you desire to know me fully you must be prepared to give something of 
yourself.” As the doll advanced further into the water her limbs and then her 
body began to disappear and as she became totally dissolved she cried out, “Now 
at last, I know the sea!”James A Feeban from ‘Story Power’
In the Gospel we see Jesus speaking of his forthcoming passion and death not 
with fear, but with hope and promise. We are told that a small group of Greeks 
came to John and expressed their desire to meet Jesus. “They wanted to see 
Jesus”. Andrew knew that no one who desired to meet Jesus would be a bother and 
so they approached him. Jesus begins by stating “Now the hour has come for the 
Son of Man to be glorified.” Jesus’ message here is that the way to glory for 
Jesus and for all of us is death to self. Jesus challenges a worldly way of 
living. Spelling out his form of discipleship, he points out that it is not 
enough to be Jesus’ fans.  We become his followers when we try to live like him 
and for him. Jesus interrupts his trend of thought with the confession of his 
own fear. It is human to feel fear in the face of great trials and suffering. 
Courage is not the denial of fear but rather knowing enough of what is to come 
and yet doing what you have to do. Once we begin to love we open ourselves to 
pain as well as to joy. When Jesus says; “Father glorify your name!” what Jesus 
is saying is “Father use me as you will! What God did for Jesus, he will do for 
everybody. In times of crisis God is glorifying us, and we should be ready to 
say, “Use me as you will!” For Jesus the hour of being lifted up on the cross 
was also the hour of being lifted up in glory. All who share in being lifted up 
on their crosses will also be lifted up in glory in Him.
Facing one’s fearOne of his biographers tells us that Dr. Martin Luther King 
knew many low moments. One night, for instance, his house was bombed. This 
literally plunged him into the deepest pit of despair –he hit rock bottom. In a 
state of utter exhaustion and desperate dejection he fell down on his knees and 
figuratively threw himself into the arms of God. This is how he prayed: “Lord I 
have taken a stand for what I believe is right. But now I’m afraid. The people 
are looking to me for leadership. If I stand before them without strength and 
courage, they too will falter. But I’m at the end of my powers. I have nothing 
left. I can’t face it any longer.” In other words, that was Martin Luther 
King’s Gethsemane. But, like Jesus, he went on to add, “I experienced the 
presence of God in a way like I had never experienced before. And that was the 
only factor that enabled me to carry on regardless of the outcome.”J. 
Valladares in ‘Your Words are Spirit and they are Life’
Unless a grain diesSeveral years ago Catherine Marshall wrote an article called 
“When We Dare to Trust God.” It told how she had been bed-bound for six months 
with a serious lung infection. No amount of medication or prayer helped. She 
was terribly depressed. One day someone gave her a pamphlet about a woman 
missionary who had contracted a strange disease. The missionary had been sick 
for eight years and couldn’t understand why God let this tragedy happen to her. 
Daily she prayed for health to resume her work. But her prayers were 
unanswered. One day, in desperation, she cried out to God: “All right I give 
up. If you want me to be an invalid, that’s your business.” Within two weeks 
that missionary was fully recovered. Catherine Marshall was puzzled by that 
strange story. It didn’t make sense. “Yet” she said, “I couldn’t forget that 
story.” Then one morning Catherine cried out to God: “God I’m tired of asking 
you for health. You decide if you want me sick or healthy.” At that moment, 
Catherine said later, her health began to return. The story of that missionary 
woman and the story of Catherine Marshall illustrate what Jesus is talking 
about in today’s gospel. “Unless a grain of wheat dies, it cannot bear fruit.” 
Or to put it another way, unless we die to our own will, we cannot bear fruit 
for God.Mark Link in ‘Sunday Homilies’
Death to LifeIn the movie The Poseidon Adventure, a ship is turned upside down 
by a tidal wave. Under the leadership of a priest, played by Gene Hackman, a 
small group of passengers make an incredible struggle for survival. Several 
members of this group die during this adventure, including the priest himself. 
However, it was his heroism that inspired the passengers who did survive to 
persevere. His death became the source of their escape to life. Death leading 
to life is one of the themes of today’s gospel. Jesus says: “Unless a grain of 
wheat falls and dies, it remains just a grain of wheat. But if it dies, it 
produces much fruit.”Albert Cylwicki in ‘His Word Resounds’
Dying for anotherMaximilian Kolbe was a Franciscan priest in Poland, and he was 
in a concentration camp during the Second World War. Some prisoners had escaped 
and the authorities were determined that this should not happen again. For 
every prisoner that escaped they picked a prisoner in the group, and that 
prisoner was condemned to die. After one young man was picked up, someone who 
had a wife and young family back home, Maximilian stepped forward and offered 
to take his place. The soldiers were shocked at this, but they took him up on 
his offer, and the young man returned to the group. Maximilian died in a 
horrible fashion, as they were all locked in cages and left there to starve to 
death. All during that time he encouraged others, and inspired them with his 
prayers. He was canonized some years ago and the prisoner whose place 
Maximilian took, wept through the entire ceremony. I like to think that he 
understood what real love is, and that death would no longer have any fear for 
him.Jack McArdle in ‘And that’s the Gospel truth’
The Grain of wheat must dieIn New Zealand there are more flightless birds than 
anywhere on earth. Among them are the kiwi and the penguin. Scientists tell us 
that these birds had wings but lost them. They had no use for them. They had no 
natural predators on those beautiful islands, and food was plentiful. Since 
there was no reason to fly they didn’t. Through neglect they lost their wings. 
Compare them to the eaglet that somehow ended up in a chicken barnyard. The 
eaglet was raised with the chickens, pecking at corn, and strutting around the 
chicken coop. One day a mountain man, passing by, recognized the bird, now a 
fully grown eagle, and asked the farmer if he could work to rehabilitate it. 
The farmer said, “Go ahead, but it’s useless. All that the eagle knows is 
pecking corn like a chicken.” The mountaineer began weeks of rigorous training 
with the eagle, forcing it to run after him so that it had to use its wings. 
Many times the eagle fell out of the limbs of trees onto its head. One day, 
finally, the mountaineer took the eagle to the top of a mountain and held it 
above his head on his wrist. Giving an upward thrust to his arm, he sent the 
eagle into the sky with a “Fly!” The eagle circled and wheeled upwards, 
straining, till it soon took off in a majestic sweep and looked directly into 
the sun. It was gone. It had regained its nature. It was an eagle once 
more.Gerard Fuller in ‘Stories for All Seasons’
The Gain in Grain‘Hope for the Flowers’ is a well-known parable written by 
Trina Paulus. It tells of two caterpillars, Stripe and Yellow, who are crawling 
in a caterpillar queue (rat-race) to reach the top. They see another 
caterpillar hanging upside down waiting to become a butterfly, who explains: 
“It looks like that you will die, but, you will really live. Life is being 
changed!” Convinced, Yellow surrenders and becomes a butterfly; Stripe 
continues crawling. Am I ready to surrender and fly rather than crawl to yield 
a hundredfold harvests rather than survive selfishly?Francis Gonsalves in 
‘Sunday Seeds for Daily Deeds’
May we be ready to surrender, knowing that we are safe in His love!
Fr. Jude Botelho
PS. The stories, incidents and anecdotes used in the reflections have been 
collected over the years from books as well as from sources over the net and 
from e-mails received. Every effort is made to acknowledge authors whenever 
possible. If you send in stories or illustrations I would be grateful if you 
could quote the source as well so that they can be acknowledged if used in 
these reflections.These reflections are also available on my Web site 
www.NetForLife.net Thank you.

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