UK:   The fork in the road with no directional signs and O in the middle - Part 

Easter Bank Holiday Monday and the first quarter of 2018 is over, gone for 
ever. The people I grew up with are not the same people we live with today. 
When you are persuaded to give your hard earned cash with sob stories and 
crocodile tears in the name of Charity keep this in mind.  

UK Annual CEO Salaries (e&oe)

Christian Aid GBP £126,000

Cancer Research £240,000

NSPCC £167,000

Unicef £395,000

Age UK £190,000

Macmillan £161,000

British Red Cross £184,000

Oxfam £119,000

Save the Children £163,000

Alas with Goan Welfare UK (£ Amount Unknown) -   Is it being shared amongst 
Trustees and associates?   Is this the question to be asked?   See Public 
Notification from website of Goan Welfare Society UK.  

What would you say on the statement below from GWS Website True or False?

“However, as required by the Charity Commission, the Charity operates as an 
autonomous body with its own membership and raising its own funds. The present 
Trustees are: Paul De Mendonça, Norma Menezes-Rahim, Alfred Rebello, Raymond 
Lobo and Flavio Gracias.”

A communication picked up at a village function by myself and presumably others 
attending the function was the trustees report for the financial year ended 31 
December 2016 dated 1 October 2017.   It did not indicate the venue, date of 
meeting, who and how many members were present, etc. Does this organisation 
have any criteria or operating standards?

Membership is GBP £1.00 for life based on the Anglo Indian Model of the 1970s 
with the Annual “Help A Poor Child” event being their main function. Correct me 
if I am wrong but I have heard no more news on either this Annual Fundraising 
Event or hot off the press fundraising events for this charity. Will someone in 
the know provide an update?

NB: Most of the above were former Directors of the Goan Association who have 
now moved across to what appears to be self-appointed, elevated Trustees for 
GWS – Goan Welfare Society. I feel sure that anyone who carries out an Audit 
trail over the last ten years would find it very revealing.   Some UK Banks 
offer basic account opening facilities for GBP £1.00 you can always get your 
money back on closing protected by the Financial Authorities.

Those living in Breadline Britain have developed and are still developing 
innovative income streams. Just look at the recent 31st December 2017Charity 
dance organised by the GWS, income streams would have included not just the 
ticket money, bar income but lucrative raffle selling as well as hats and 
festive items to bring in the New Year.   I am also given to understand that 
there was revenue from a “Pop Up” pre-planned membership subscription drive.   
If you attended the 31st New Year Dance event and feel Toadokid(Cheated) 
contact the Police.

In previous communications, I have already touched on our ‘FT world’ of 
Fotkiros (Liars) and Todokis (Cheats).   The appeals for “funeral funding” to 
pay for transportation of the newly arrived Goan who has died in UK back to 
Goa, the family claiming to have no money for burial in Goa.   Has anyone seen 
accountability for such lucrative appeals?  

Are those contributing to such appeals aware that accounts of the GWS show a 
balance in 2016 of GBP 212, 500 (Two hundred and twelve thousand five hundred 
pounds), enough to send at least 100 coffins to Goa!   With such a large 
balance, I am surprised that no one in our community has questioned why appeals 
for funds in 2017 took place.  

As a community we have reached a fork in the road with Goan Overseas 
Association in the middle with the “O” the left or right with no direction 
could be either Goan Association UK Limited Company Registration no 04768032 or 
Goan Welfare Society Registered Charity No 280642 with The Goan Association in 
the Middle Registration No 04768032. The named Directors are Ms Mary Bernadette 
Gracias Company Secretary appointed 18 May 2003, Mr Paul De Mendonca Appointed 
May 2003. I can recall the word Overseas being removed some years ago as the 
committee at the time felt that we live here in the United Kingdom and are not 
overseas people. The G.O.A. Reg no 1626437.

It would be interesting to see what service level agreement any of the above 
organisations have?   For example within how many days are they supposed to 
provide a response when someone writes to them?  

The views expressed are Personal and should not be considered as any authority.

Melvyn Fernandes (Escola Ghela)

3 April 2018

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