The Regional plan and PDA will be the murder of whatever is left of Goa

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> On 07-Apr-2018, at 4:00 PM, Joao Barros-Pereira <> 
> wrote:
> Has the Regional Plan plague returned to haunt Goans once again?
> TheTown and Country Minister has diagnosed the case correctly and
> withdrawn his demand to include villages in the PDAs. He knows his
> limitation which includes not trying to ram his version of the
> Regional Plan down the throats of the Goan people. The people have
> cried enough is enough, and not for the first time!
> Vijay Sardesai has accused MLAs of misleading his Department. The
> demands of the MLAs are not the same as the aspirations of the Goan
> people; in fact, the MLAs dreams have become Goan nightmares. He has
> inadvertently climbed up the wrong tree, and from its dizzy heights he
> is afraid of falling on his head. He is no bondo and knows when to
> climb down. He is not dangling from the tree anymore but has made a
> sure-footed landing on the ground. The man has learned from his folly,
> accepted his limitations and withdrawn the villages from the PDAs.
> Unfortunately, not all the MLAs are capable of learning from the past.
> Michael Lobo intends to ram the Regional Plan down the throats of the
> Goans. He claims he is going ahead with the plan in its present shape
> and color. Can he succeed against the wishes of the Goan people? Is he
> powerful enough to get away with it it in a democracy? Is he being
> realistic or is simply drunk on power and living in a world of
> delusion? Can he succeed?
> The Congress Party also tried to push forward the Regional Plan but
> withdrew when push came to shove because they  read correctly the
> writing on the wall. Stalwarts, such as, expert Town Planner Edgar
> Rebello resigned from the planning committee as they felt important
> negative aspects were introduced by the MLAs and others who had no
> expertise in  drafting a Regional Plan other than finding ways to
> placate and reward the builders lobby and themselves. When this
> scenario did not go down well with the Goan people, they stopped or
> more precisely were stopped in their tracks.
> Some people learn from the mistakes of the past and others cannot as
> they believe they are invincible and will succeed even though other
> leaders have failed miserably. Can Michael Lobo go against the wishes
> of the people of Goa and succeed? Is his future perfect or imperfect?
> Only the Goan people can provide him with an answer.

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