As the public has been invited to make comments and suggestions
regarding the Regional Plan and, as I'm also a tiny, very tiny part of
this nebulous mass of Goan meat, here is my opinion on the topic.

Some will agree, and some will not as is the nature of a democracy,
but then there is always  a possibility of a consensus if we do not
bury principles of justice, fair play and protection for all. Who
wants the curses of evil men and women to haunt our children, grand
children, and future generations of Goans?

Let's start with a scientific frame of mind by admitting a simple
fact; no one is a saint. And, as you know, it gets worse as you have
to be dead to become a saint. At this piece of news, I'm sure the
majority of sensible and  sane Goans will inhale and exhale a deep
breath of relief. And, since no one is a saint we urgently need legal
protection for all Goans, every group should be protected against
undue pressure from the other side. And, of course, above all else, we
need to protect ourselves against ourselves.

Now, this is a scientific principle which has to be enshrined
irrespective of caste, creed or anything else. With this attitude, the
world will envy us. Goa and Goans will become famous world-wide for
possessing intrinsic Indian spiritual values, and not our contemporary
image of Goa which is a paradise for drug peddlers, prostitution,
casinos and unmentionables sold to the highest bidder.

The government has a lot of power and more often than not exceeds its
mandate. The people have a duty to make sure this government or any
other does not go against its mandate and our Indian constitution. As
we know, any government has only a 4-year-old life and validity before
we have to go to the polls again. And, sometimes even less.

We therefore need to make sure no government mutilates the
constitution and destroys the rights of the people which are enshrined
in the constitution. Otherwise, it is a gross misuse of power. We need
to guard against this great danger and protect our democracy, and Goa,
Goans and Goemkarponn.

The Panchayat and gram sabhas have not received their rightful share
of power. Tell me, which political party is ready to uphold the
constitution, and decentralization of power? The BJP, Congress Party,
the Goa Forward Party? All three on this issue are more silent than a
graveyard. Et tu, Aam Admi Party?  Not a single seat won, and not a
single word said on the subject of the implementation of the 73rd and
74th amendment to the constitution. What does all this mean?

It is now fire-testing time for our elected individual MLAs to speak
for the implementation of the 73rd and 74th amendment to the
constitution. Know your elected MLA! Discover for yourself if he or
she is for you or against you - Goemkars and Goemkarponn!

Unfortunately, at the bottom of the political ladder and the least
protected are members of the gram sabhas, even though the constitution
has stipulated the right of the villagers to decide the shape and
development of their villages. With 185 panchayats the gram sabhas
vary in size from large numbers to small: some, especially the small
gram sabhas are open to undue pressure from vested interests because
of their small numbers and need to be protected; otherwise, they and
their village will soon disappear. Alas, the only adequate protection
is the implementation of the 73rd and 74th amendments. Nothing less
will do.

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