At one stage the Chinese and Indian Heads have held an unscheduled meeting
without any fixed agenda to  assure defense and absorb the shock   of
parameters of failure. There has been lot of heart burning on Doclam issue
and posturing ,rhetoric on both the sides for public consumption .The
pinpricks and threatening utterances that followed only indicated hardening
of stands on both sides .That in spite of mountain of differences on
perception and reality both heads defied world perceptions about their
yearning  for friendly ties. The brief outcome is a happy event for future
progress. The bitterness of denying UN seat in security council, deliberate
defiance on  M.Azar the terrorist, India`s stand on Kashmir, the two
countries have shown that not differences but commonality of interests bind
them to gether. The changing world scenario between hostile Nations, makes
hard stands non viable for interest of Nations. The thaw in relationship
between Koreas, the rapprochement between USA and North Korea, Chinese
though it wise to reinvent their relationship with India on a different
platform .It is not coincidental that the meeting took place on the same
day as the North and South Korea, arch rivals to overshadow the historic ,
unbelievable summit .It is not land area that dictates policies, but
economic survival that promotes understanding, The trade balance between
India and China tilts favourably towards China, The dream of China to
become a supper power, economic engine must provide the thrust

China may have indirectly, secretly and undoubtedly promoted the
understanding between Koreas to consolidate their position on both the
sides of divide and to send a message to Trumph USA, that it stills holds
the trumps close to its chest. Just the other day the Nuclear threat by
North Korea seemed so eminent, that the world was  on  its edge how to
diffuse such an eventuality of horor

Hostile Nations in a hostile  atmosphere can destabilize the world peace
with catastrophic consequences USA not only assured fire power to destroy
North Korea to ashes, but moved sophisticated arms close to the belligerent
Country in a show of strength, but exchanged words more caustic than
expected between them .North Korea in turn launched missiles capable of
reaching any part of USA in a show of counter offensive. Now USA and North
Korea will hold a summit, which was unthinkable just a moment ago. The
outcome of the summit is not the measure of the  barometer of success, but
genuine approach to break the ice and misunderstanding between two Nations
with ample trust deficit

The word is relieved of a possible holocaust and Nations are waiting with
bathed breadth that the worst case scenario is the  past.

The understanding and thaw in relationships between antagonistic Nations
bodes well for world peace, progress and prosperity. The unity between East
and west Germany is the best example of coexistence with different
ideologies merged with common interest

It is hoped that Pakistan and India instead of breathing and spitting fire
at each other will  also draw inspiration from the above happenings and
learn that it is possible to have understanding without military strength .
The gains of war far outweigh the benefits of peace overtures. There are
expectations that Soviet Union /Russia and NATO will go extra mile to build
confidence boosting measures. Another theater of war is between China and
Taiwan and Chinas dominant  stand on South China sea, aligning of Nations
to stand up to China. Japan is not considering quietly China posturing
against it

The unity and co operation between Nations in spite of differences and
ideologies augurs well for the world peace and progress by diverting the
financial resources on war towards economic, welfare activities

The dialogue between North and South Korea was unthinkable. The sudden
unscheduled meeting between Heads of India and China was unpredictable The
meeting between heads of USA and North Korea is miracle of the year .These
are signs of hope and expectations

Nelson Lopes Chinchinim

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