
St Mary of the Angels  Convent High School, Chinchinim is placed among the
ten best secondary schools in Goa in performance at the SSC examination
held by GBSHSE held in March 2018. Besides it is the only Village schools
in this category and exclusive club

The past students, parents ,teachers are proud and jubilant at this stellar
performance for the first time in the history of the Institution .In the
past many of  the  students of the schools have been ranked in merit list
.This feat is the continuation of its glorious past of academic excellence.
Consistent, systematic efforts have been crowned with enviable success. The
teachers, staff, and   Head  deserve our appreciation and well
deserved  praise.
The Village Panchayat  too at the  Gram Sabha profusely acknowledged the

The parents are fortunate not to look for an Institution for girl education
beyond  the boundaries of Chinchinim Village, because , spiritual,  physical
environment , sports interests and academic development  are of a very  high
standards  are maintained by a dedicated and committed staff. The mad rush
for city schools has been halted in its tracks. Sr .Flavia, the present
Headmistress, visionary  deserves kudos for continuing established
traditions and taking them to greater  heights of  excellence, motivating
the staff and students to achieve their best

P.C Trust has closely associated with school providing incentives for those
excelling in academic field. The Trust is indebted for understanding and co
operation extended by the management

Wishing students, staff,  and parents  for  putting the school on academic
map of excellence in Goa
Nelson Lopes

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