UK:Thunder and Lightning Display Setting for Goan Musical

Thunder and Lightning display with 20,000 electrical storms in the early hours 
of Sunday 27th May 2018 over London and South England was nature’s setting for 
Grina Pereira’s Musical Extravaganza opening night at Villiers High School 
Southall where our younger children with 30 songs, 2 dances and 4 part comedy 
supported by adults brought to life captivating an audience for an evening 
showcasing our Konkani Songs, Music. Comedy and Dance along with a ruchichem 
Goan supper.

Only a dedicated volunteer workforce could have laid on a Champagne event not 
Prosecco at beer prices. You would be hard pressed to be entertained with 
music, comedy and a delicious and tasty Goan 6 course Buffet including Sorpotel 
, Chicken Xacuti and Mango miskut supplied by Grinas Catering (07846657791) all 
for Stg.£10.00. It is refreshing to note we still have honest people in 
Breadline Britain. Credit must also go to the marketing and backup of 
volunteers headed by Grina, Peter, Greg, Simon and Francisco.

The show opened with music by Frampton, Sound by Proto, Stage lighting and 
special effects by Greg and Compered by Roque & Ciana

Photo Credit: Rose Fernandes

Picture shows our participating young people with their personalised memento of 
the Musical Extravaganza with Grina true ambassadors for Goa and our music. 
Tribute must be paid to their patriotic parents for inspiring and encouraging 
our next generation in preserving our music and language Konkani not forgetting 
the support of the audience some of who travelled long distances, this 
brilliant musical would not have taken place.

Proud to be Goan – Celebrate World Goa Day 19 August 2018.

Melvyn Fernandes

Thornton Heath, Surrey

29 May 2018

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