Great to hear that Goa now has a Deaf Blind institution in Saligao with 65 

In Ontario, as more and more blind and visually impaired (the latter being a 
less severe affliction) children’s parents choose home schools, the W Ross 
MacDonald School for the Blind in Brantford Ontario now serves more and more 
Deaf Blind children rather than Blind alone. 

The Brantford School which has a large campus, magnificent buildings and the 
latest facilities, is a provincially owned and run residential school for Blind 
students in all of Ontario who choose to go there. Children from Toronto and 
nearby areas are  bussed home every weekend and those in more remote northern 
and eastern Ontario towns are flown every weekend, all at government expense.

Parents could chose either this one central school or they could choose public 
or Catholic schools in their neighbourhood that are served by itinerant 
teachers who are dedicated to these Blind kids. Most parents chose the 
Brantford school because of facilities and experienced teachers.

Now however more and more students are choosing neighbourhood schools and the 
Brantford school has gradually had to change focus from Blind to Deaf-Blind. 
There was always a small Deaf-Blind separate wing and building but now it it 
expanding to premises occupied previously by the Blind section alone.

Teaching Deaf-Blind children is a very specialized and challenging skill. Most 
of these children will find it difficult to ever find employment and therefore 
emphasis has to be on only basic education, independent living and volunteering 
where they can in later life. Their needs will be met by a government pension 
and by legacies from family. So they are really taught  to play with whatever 
stacked deck that life has handed to them.

Canada is a wonderful country compared even to the USA in this respect and 
though not by any means perfect, children and people with disabilities live the 
independent lives they wish to. This country truly believes that the human 
chain is as strong as its weakest links.

Roland Francis

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