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> On Jul 18, 2018, at 10:49 AM, wrote:
> Send Goanet mailing list submissions to
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Goanet digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re: The House at 43 Hill Road (Mervyn Maciel)
>   2. The Baby scandal (Marshall Mendonza)
>   3. Re: Religious Bigotry On An Airplane (Venantius J Pinto)
>   4. Fw: ROAD ACCIDENT (John Eric Gomes)
>   5. Re: The Baby scandal (Roland Francis)
>   6. Fw: ROAD ACCIDENT (John Eric Gomes)
>   7. Amchem Cantar, a documentary on Goan music (Bernado Colaco)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 09:34:20 +0100
> From: Mervyn Maciel <>
> To: Brenda Rodrigues <>
> Cc:,  Frederick FN Noronha ????????? ????????
>    *??????? ???????  <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] The House at 43 Hill Road
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Many thanks, Brenda for your prompt response.
> Will pass this on to my cousin who lived in Bandra
> for many years.
>  My late brother(Rev. Joseph Maciel, S.J.), was Parish Priest
> at St. Peter's and also Rector at St. Stanislaus for a time.
> .
> Best wishes .
> Mervyn Maciel
> On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 9:00 AM, Brenda Rodrigues <>
> wrote:
>> Attention: Mervyn Maciel
>> The book launch was scheduled for July in Mumbai and August in Goa, but
>> the publisher had to postpone both due to some technical problems.  The
>> Mumbai launch is now expected to be some time in August and the Goa launch
>> will probably coincide with the lit fest in December.  In the meantime,
>> here's something about the book:
>> ?The House at 43 Hill Road
>> <>? tells of
>> the aristocratic Braz Rodrigues, who built his house in the mid-1800s, on
>> the plot where it all happened, with family vignettes, and how his grand
>> daughter-in-law Lydia made the address known worldwide for the exquisite
>> wedding gowns she designed. It goes on to provide a meticulously documented
>> account of how government authorities (Police, Bombay Municipal
>> Corporation, Electricity Department, Fire Brigade, Cooperative Society
>> officials) actively assisted land-grabbers who were out to take over that
>> property in Bandra?s prime commercial area. For six years, the author,
>> Brenda and her husband, Joe, great grandson of Braz, single-handedly fought
>> over 70 court cases, faced assaults, threats to their lives, and even had
>> to hide their children in a distant place. The book is a charming family
>> saga and also a scathing indictment of an all-too-common social scenario in
>> Mumbai. The tale ends with an unexpected twist.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 2
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 13:43:08 +0530
> From: Marshall Mendonza <>
> To: goanet <>
> Subject: [Goanet] The Baby scandal
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> (Missionaries of Charity, Mother House, Kolkata - July 17, 2018)
> We are deeply saddened and grieved by the recent developments at
> Missionaries of Charity Home - Nirmal Hriday at East Jail Road, Ranchi.
> Even while we place our full trust in the Judicial process that is
> underway, we wish to express regret and sorrow for what happened and desire
> to express in unequivocal terms our condemnation of individual actions
> which have nothing to do with the Congregation of the Missionaries of
> Charity. We are fully cooperating with the investigations and are open to
> any free, fair and just inquiry. In this context, specially in view of many
> myths being spread, information distorted and false news being diffused and
> baseless innuendos being thrown about regarding the Mother Teresa Sisters,
> it is expedient to lay down the turn of events as they actually transpired.
> Sr. Concelia MC was appointed as the sister-in-charge of the ?unwed
> mothers? section at Nirmal Hriday, East Jail Road, Ranchi on June 06, 2017.
> She was responsible for admission, hospitalization, counseling, record
> keeping, accompanying mothers and babies to CWC, when necessary and for
> discharge of the unwed mothers from the Home.
> Mrs. Anima Indwar began working at Nirmal Hriday from January 2012.
> Initially, she worked as a ward helper and then as a staff member to care
> for the unwed mothers. She learnt the work very well and ably assisted Sr.
> Concelia MC. Mrs. Anima Indwar thus, came to enjoy the trust of the Sisters
> at Nirmal Hriday. As and when Sr. Concelia MC got engaged in pressing
> responsibilities, Mrs. Anima Indwar would escort the unwed mothers, their
> babies and their guardians to Sadar Hospital, RIMS and CWC office as was
> required, by herself.
> On June 29, 2018, at around 12.30 pm, the Child Protection Officer, Ms.
> Seema and other Social Welfare officers, about five of them, came to Nirmal
> Hriday. They called for the admission and attendance registers containing
> information about the inmates at the Home. They seized the registers and
> records maintained by Nirmal Hriday without providing the receipt for such
> seizure to the Home.
>> From the records maintained for ?unwed mothers?, the said officials
> particularly enquired about Ms. Karishma Toppo and her baby. Ms. Karishma
> Toppo had taken admission in Nirmal Hriday on March 19, 2018 and had
> delivered her baby on May 01, 2018. After her delivery, Ms. Karishma Toppo
> had declared in the Home?s register that she would surrender her child to
> CWC. Mrs. Anima Indwar, Ms. Karishma Toppo and her guardian thus, took the
> baby from Nirmal Hriday to surrender the child. Neither Nirmal Hriday nor
> the Sisters had any way to ascertain whether the child was actually
> surrendered to CWC. This is so because CWC as matter of practice did not
> give any acknowledgement to the Home after obtaining custody of a child
> from an unwed mother.
> On July 03, 2018, Mrs. Anima Indwar when summoned by CWC, admitted that Ms.
> Karishma Toppo?s child was not surrendered to CWC. Upon such admission, she
> was handed over to the police by CWC. Ms. Karishma Toppo?s child too was
> surrendered to CWC by Mrs. Anima Indwar and Ms. Karishma Toppo on the same
> day.
> On July 04, 2018, Sr. Concelia MC and Sr. Marie Deanne MC, Superior of
> Nirmal Hriday were also questioned by the police. Sr. Concelia was arrested
> by the police while Sr. Marie Deanne MC after being kept in police custody
> till 7 pm the next day, was finally let off.
> On the evening of July 04, 2018, CWC along with Child Protection Officer,
> Ms. Seema without serving any notice to Nirmal Hriday, carried away the 11
> unwed mothers, one unwed mother along with her baby and one guardian from
> the Home. The said women were subjected to utmost humiliation and public
> embarrassment by the officials as they were carried in full view of the
> media.
> For reasons unknown, our Shishu Bhawan Home at Hinoo was raided by CWC with
> a police force consisting about 7 members on July 06, 2018. 22 children
> lodged in the said Home were
> carried away by CWC, which included a one month old baby. One such baby
> took very ill in the custody of CWC and was admitted in the ICU at Rani
> Hospital. The records and registers of this Home too were carried away by
> the officials without providing the Home a receipt of such seizure. It is
> distressing that
> CWC has meted out such treatment to a Home which its officials themselves
> had described as having an ?excellent environment for the care of children?
> only about two weeks before.
> The Missionaries of Charity following the footsteps of our foundress St.
> Mother Teresa is caring for the poor, destitute and the afflicted since
> 1950. Today, there are 5,167 sisters, both active and contemplative, with
> 760 houses in 139 countries. The Missionaries of Charity have 244 houses in
> India including those in Jharkhand. Our works include running homes for
> leprosy patients, TB patients, AIDS patients, physically and mentally
> challenged children and adults, night shelters, indoor primary healthcare
> facilities, homes for women in distress, girls in danger, abandoned
> pregnant women, and for women whom poverty and starvation have driven into
> the streets.
> The Congregation of Missionaries of Charity vows to continue their
> whole-hearted and free service to the poorest of the poor, by serving the
> needy and vulnerable even in the middle of the unprecedented and unfounded
> criticism that it faces today. We have full faith in the courts of law and
> the investigating authorities and are confident that justice shall prevail.
> We pray for all those who have been hurt by the recent developments and we
> ask God to bless all those who are standing by us in these painful and
> difficult moments, and we lift up to God in prayer all people of goodwill.
> May our Mother, St. Teresa of Calcutta intercede for us before our Almighty
> Father.
> Sr. M. Prema MC
> (Superior General)
> <>
> <>
> <>
> 1111
> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 3
> Date: Tue, 17 Jul 2018 23:27:54 -0400
> From: Venantius J Pinto <>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
>    <>
> Cc: goanet <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] Religious Bigotry On An Airplane
> Message-ID:
>    <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Years ago, when I was very accepting (To a large degree I will always be),
> and on at least three occasions had to deal with India shitheads who
> "suggested" that I give up my seat. In two case I requested that as soon as
> the plane lands that I should be permitted to disembark first, being that I
> was almost at the head of the plane. No surree! The Fheads. Upon landing, a
> smarmy shit-eating grin. Desis in a hurry, jalebees in a tizzy.
> Venantius J Pinto
> <>
> Virus-free.
> <>
> <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>
> On Tue, Jul 17, 2018 at 11:14 PM, Roland Francis <>
> wrote:
>> While Hemant Mehta may be discussing Orthodox Jews? seating demands on an
>> Israeli plane, this could also apply to an Imam on a Saudi Arabian aircraft
>> or a Mulla on Pakistan Airlines.
>> Other unusual situations that have nothing to do with religious beliefs
>> can present themselves.
>> Are you prepared for an obstinate crew bent on preventing a scene by a
>> demanding passenger, to just treat you like a doormat to save the situation?
>> Roland Francis
>> Scarborough.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 4
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 17:17:07 +0530
> From: "John Eric Gomes" <>
> To: "goanet org" <>
> Cc: "Goanet Lists" <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Fw: ROAD ACCIDENT
> Message-ID: <325D835DC8454C4EBF327D2F914257D0@xp>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="iso-8859-1"
> It is reported in the wee hours of Sunday, at Demani, Cuncolim a van hit two 
> cows killing them on the spot. The cows were not deemed guilty(they have an 
> owner?), but the driver who escaped unhurt, was reportedly arrested for rash 
> and negligent driving. Why were the cows on the road in the first place? Who 
> will hold the municipality/panchyat/the police or the government 
> guilty/negligent? The same thing applies to flooding and pot holed and washed 
> out roads. A joke says "In India we drive on the left. In Goa we drive on 
> what is left!". For too long the government has been going scot free from 
> suffering the consequences of their wrong acts of commission or omission! If 
> government leaves everything to "the wisdom of the courts", what does that 
> prove? That the executive lacks in taking responsibility or in wisdom? Who 
> will give us quick  justice? Even our fish is being poisoned, our fruits and 
> vegetables also with chemicals. Human life, especially that of the common 
> man, is becoming very 
> cheap in our country these days and transparency and accountability a distant 
> dream? 
> ------------------------------
> Message: 5
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:43:30 -0400
> From: Roland Francis <>
> To: "Goa's premiere mailing list, estb. 1994!"
>    <>
> Subject: Re: [Goanet] The Baby scandal
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset=utf-8
> The following is is a questionable paragraph and throws doubt on effective 
> supervision of the Missionaries of Charity authorities.
> Quote
> On July 03, 2018, Mrs. Anima Indwar when summoned by CWC, admitted that Ms.
> Karishma Toppo?s child was not surrendered to CWC. Upon such admission, she
> was handed over to the police by CWC. Ms. Karishma Toppo?s child too was
> surrendered to CWC by Mrs. Anima Indwar and Ms. Karishma Toppo on the same
> day.
> Unquote
> Concern 1. 
> Why was Karishma Toppo and her guardian not accompanied by Anima Indwar to 
> CWC to hand over the baby to CWC since the former had declared in the MofC 
> books that this would be done and since this was Indwar?s duty.
> Concern 2.
> Why was MofC handing over babies to the CWC without getting any written 
> record of it. Not an excuse that they were not being given any 
> acknowledgement.
> Concern 3.
> Why were MofC books surrendered to CWC without any court order or receiving 
> written acknowledgment of books and files seized? Can CWC be trusted not to 
> tamper with material they took.
> Concern 4
> A massive lawsuit should be filed by the Church authorities against the 
> police and CWC for openly parading the unwed mothers to their offices in 
> violation of the very privacy they most needed and at the expense of the 
> health and safety of just-born babies.
> If the Superior General puts out such ambiguous press releases, do they 
> expect to clear the matter in a direct transparent manner.
> If the MofC were experiencing problems with CWC, would it not be prudent to 
> have brought up such issues with the Bishop, Archbishop and Cardinal of that 
> jurisdiction?
> At best the MofC are guilty of very lax supervision and procedures, at worst 
> dishonesty and Baby-Trafficking on the part of some staff who have brought 
> them to disrepute. Which is a shame considering they started this with all 
> the good intentions at their command.
> Quote
>> The Congregation of Missionaries of Charity vows to continue their
>> whole-hearted and free service to the poorest of the poor, by serving the
>> needy and vulnerable even in the middle of the unprecedented and unfounded
>> criticism that it faces today.
> Unquote
> There is a valid criticism from even sympathetic secular sources that there 
> is no transparency in the receiving and disbursement of funds from 
> international charities and other sources. That only 7% of the money is 
> retained for use by MofC for its work and that a large chunk of the remainder 
> is first sent to the Vatican.
> I have no idea where that figure comes from. I am just repeating the 
> allegation. Whether unfounded or not the Missionaries of Charity hold the 
> power to make known the truth although I have strong doubts they will ever do 
> so.
> Roland Francis
> Scarborough.
>> On Jul 18, 2018, at 4:13 AM, Marshall Mendonza <> wrote:
>> (Missionaries of Charity, Mother House, Kolkata - July 17, 2018)
>> We are deeply saddened and grieved by the recent developments at
>> Missionaries of Charity Home - Nirmal Hriday at East Jail Road, Ranchi.
>> Even while we place our full trust in the Judicial process that is
>> underway, we wish to express regret and sorrow for what happened and desire
>> to express in unequivocal terms our condemnation of individual actions
>> which have nothing to do with the Congregation of the Missionaries of
>> Charity. We are fully cooperating with the investigations and are open to
>> any free, fair and just inquiry. In this context, specially in view of many
>> myths being spread, information distorted and false news being diffused and
>> baseless innuendos being thrown about regarding the Mother Teresa Sisters,
>> it is expedient to lay down the turn of events as they actually transpired.
>> Sr. Concelia MC was appointed as the sister-in-charge of the ?unwed
>> mothers? section at Nirmal Hriday, East Jail Road, Ranchi on June 06, 2017.
>> She was responsible for admission, hospitalization, counseling, record
>> keeping, accompanying mothers and babies to CWC, when necessary and for
>> discharge of the unwed mothers from the Home.
>> Mrs. Anima Indwar began working at Nirmal Hriday from January 2012.
>> Initially, she worked as a ward helper and then as a staff member to care
>> for the unwed mothers. She learnt the work very well and ably assisted Sr.
>> Concelia MC. Mrs. Anima Indwar thus, came to enjoy the trust of the Sisters
>> at Nirmal Hriday. As and when Sr. Concelia MC got engaged in pressing
>> responsibilities, Mrs. Anima Indwar would escort the unwed mothers, their
>> babies and their guardians to Sadar Hospital, RIMS and CWC office as was
>> required, by herself.
>> On June 29, 2018, at around 12.30 pm, the Child Protection Officer, Ms.
>> Seema and other Social Welfare officers, about five of them, came to Nirmal
>> Hriday. They called for the admission and attendance registers containing
>> information about the inmates at the Home. They seized the registers and
>> records maintained by Nirmal Hriday without providing the receipt for such
>> seizure to the Home.
>> From the records maintained for ?unwed mothers?, the said officials
>> particularly enquired about Ms. Karishma Toppo and her baby. Ms. Karishma
>> Toppo had taken admission in Nirmal Hriday on March 19, 2018 and had
>> delivered her baby on May 01, 2018. After her delivery, Ms. Karishma Toppo
>> had declared in the Home?s register that she would surrender her child to
>> CWC. Mrs. Anima Indwar, Ms. Karishma Toppo and her guardian thus, took the
>> baby from Nirmal Hriday to surrender the child. Neither Nirmal Hriday nor
>> the Sisters had any way to ascertain whether the child was actually
>> surrendered to CWC. This is so because CWC as matter of practice did not
>> give any acknowledgement to the Home after obtaining custody of a child
>> from an unwed mother.
>> On July 03, 2018, Mrs. Anima Indwar when summoned by CWC, admitted that Ms.
>> Karishma Toppo?s child was not surrendered to CWC. Upon such admission, she
>> was handed over to the police by CWC. Ms. Karishma Toppo?s child too was
>> surrendered to CWC by Mrs. Anima Indwar and Ms. Karishma Toppo on the same
>> day.
>> On July 04, 2018, Sr. Concelia MC and Sr. Marie Deanne MC, Superior of
>> Nirmal Hriday were also questioned by the police. Sr. Concelia was arrested
>> by the police while Sr. Marie Deanne MC after being kept in police custody
>> till 7 pm the next day, was finally let off.
>> On the evening of July 04, 2018, CWC along with Child Protection Officer,
>> Ms. Seema without serving any notice to Nirmal Hriday, carried away the 11
>> unwed mothers, one unwed mother along with her baby and one guardian from
>> the Home. The said women were subjected to utmost humiliation and public
>> embarrassment by the officials as they were carried in full view of the
>> media.
>> For reasons unknown, our Shishu Bhawan Home at Hinoo was raided by CWC with
>> a police force consisting about 7 members on July 06, 2018. 22 children
>> lodged in the said Home were
>> carried away by CWC, which included a one month old baby. One such baby
>> took very ill in the custody of CWC and was admitted in the ICU at Rani
>> Hospital. The records and registers of this Home too were carried away by
>> the officials without providing the Home a receipt of such seizure. It is
>> distressing that
>> CWC has meted out such treatment to a Home which its officials themselves
>> had described as having an ?excellent environment for the care of children?
>> only about two weeks before.
>> The Missionaries of Charity following the footsteps of our foundress St.
>> Mother Teresa is caring for the poor, destitute and the afflicted since
>> 1950. Today, there are 5,167 sisters, both active and contemplative, with
>> 760 houses in 139 countries. The Missionaries of Charity have 244 houses in
>> India including those in Jharkhand. Our works include running homes for
>> leprosy patients, TB patients, AIDS patients, physically and mentally
>> challenged children and adults, night shelters, indoor primary healthcare
>> facilities, homes for women in distress, girls in danger, abandoned
>> pregnant women, and for women whom poverty and starvation have driven into
>> the streets.
>> The Congregation of Missionaries of Charity vows to continue their
>> whole-hearted and free service to the poorest of the poor, by serving the
>> needy and vulnerable even in the middle of the unprecedented and unfounded
>> criticism that it faces today. We have full faith in the courts of law and
>> the investigating authorities and are confident that justice shall prevail.
>> We pray for all those who have been hurt by the recent developments and we
>> ask God to bless all those who are standing by us in these painful and
>> difficult moments, and we lift up to God in prayer all people of goodwill.
>> May our Mother, St. Teresa of Calcutta intercede for us before our Almighty
>> Father.
>> Sr. M. Prema MC
>> (Superior General)
>> <>
>> <>
>> <>
>> 1111
>> <>
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 17:17:07 +0530
> From: "John Eric Gomes" <>
> To: "goanet org" <>
> Cc: "Goanet Lists" <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Fw: ROAD ACCIDENT
> Message-ID: <325D835DC8454C4EBF327D2F914257D0@xp>
> Content-Type: text/plain;    charset="iso-8859-1"
> It is reported in the wee hours of Sunday, at Demani, Cuncolim a van hit two 
> cows killing them on the spot. The cows were not deemed guilty(they have an 
> owner?), but the driver who escaped unhurt, was reportedly arrested for rash 
> and negligent driving. Why were the cows on the road in the first place? Who 
> will hold the municipality/panchyat/the police or the government 
> guilty/negligent? The same thing applies to flooding and pot holed and washed 
> out roads. A joke says "In India we drive on the left. In Goa we drive on 
> what is left!". For too long the government has been going scot free from 
> suffering the consequences of their wrong acts of commission or omission! If 
> government leaves everything to "the wisdom of the courts", what does that 
> prove? That the executive lacks in taking responsibility or in wisdom? Who 
> will give us quick  justice? Even our fish is being poisoned, our fruits and 
> vegetables also with chemicals. Human life, especially that of the common 
> man, is becoming very 
> cheap in our country these days and transparency and accountability a distant 
> dream? 
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2018 10:50:50 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Bernado Colaco <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Amchem Cantar, a documentary on Goan music
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> That's my cousin doing the mando, a cultural ambassador for Goa!
> BC
> Thanks for this posting FN.
> Doriacha larari(spelling) is one of my favourites,
> Enjoyed the singing - wish the musicians/singers
> would smile !
> Mervyn Maciel
> ------------------------------
> Message: 6
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2018 19:32:41 +0530
> From: Frederick Noronha <>
> To: Goanet <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Hindu tinge to last Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
> Message-ID:
> ??? <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Anirban Bhaumik (@AnirbanDHdel) tweeted at 7:21 pm on Sun, Jul 15, 2018:
> Hindu tinge to last Pravasi Bharatiya Divas
> @deccanherald
> (
> Get the official Twitter app at
> -- 
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> _/
> _/? FN * ????????? ???????? * ??????? ???????? +91-9822122436
> _/
> _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/
> ------------------------------
> Message: 7
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2018 08:58:14 +0100
> From: Mervyn Maciel <>
> To: "Estb. 1994! Goa's Premiere Mailing List"
> ??? <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Subject:? Amchem Cantar, a documentary on Goan music
> ??? by Ruth
> Message-ID:
> ??? <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> I'm sorry, my earlier comments were made in a hurry - having listened to
> the entire video, I was pleased to see that smiles were not lacking in
> the couple dancing the mando!
> Apologies.
> Mervyn Maciel
> ------------------------------
> Message: 8
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2018 23:34:31 +0900
> From: Joao Barros-Pereira <>
> To: goanet <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Some fish, please?
> Message-ID:
> ??? <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> Don't worry, the growing scare of having eaten polluted fish will
> subside, and we Goans tomorrow will forget about what we are blowing
> hot and cold today. That is the story of Goa, and our politicians know
> it only too well.
> What will not go away is the basic problem; the fishing ban for two
> months during the monsoon when no mechanized fishing is allowed in
> Goa. We have a fishing ban, and yet we want business to go on as
> usual? We love our fish curry and so we import fish from outside Goa
> during the fishing ban. Is the ban on fishing only symbolic, and we do
> not understand the implications of it? Our politicians will find a
> solutions to this problem - as they always do - in a way in which
> their pockets and suitcases do not become any lighter.
> This attitude of ours is seen in more than one activity area, and is a
> characteristic of the Goan, visible in all its glory in the so-called
> development of our state. Now, we have a great new clean fish market
> building full of contaminated fish laced with formalin. And, we are
> told differently than earlier - the formalin is within the permissible
> limits. Good news for fish eaters?
> With fish imported from far away states, don't we need chemical
> preservatives to make the fish look smart and taste edible? We can't
> have it both ways or can we? Was it Marie Antoinette who said, if
> there is no fish, eat meat or vegetables? Can this problem be solved
> easily? It can if you don't mind eating fish which has dangerous preservatives
> in it.
> Our fruit are are often sprayed with chemicals so they ripen early,
> and the early bird catches the worn by making a killing in the fruit
> market. If you - the consumer - happen to get killed in the process,
> bad luck. There is nothing fishy in the recent FDA discovery regarding
> contaminated fish. It is to be expected, to say the least.
> Either we withdraw the ban on fishing or shut down the wholesale and
> retail fish markets during the two-month fishing ban during the
> monsoon. The fish available in Goa through non-mechanized methods is
> of a small quantity and can be said to be food on the table for a
> small percentage of Goans, very small.
> We need to keep a strict watch on our borders because of the way we
> are; some people will try and slip a few truckloads through our sleepy
> borders as we Goans love fish very much but love easy money even more.
> People who want to eat fish during the ban on fishing during the
> monsoon season can eat it but maybe at their own risk.
> Like the fishermen, the wholesale fish agents and sellers can take a
> well-deserved two-month vacation for the good of Goa,? Goans, and
> above all, themselves.
> ------------------------------
> Message: 9
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2018 11:53:08 +0000 (UTC)
> From: Bernado Colaco <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] Good-bye Goa, Good-bye!
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> Interesting to note that Goans have been blind for so many decades.?
> BC
> No, I'm not applying for a Portuguese passport with the intention of
> settling in Swindon, England. Nor am I contemplating suicide in the
> near future, using rat poison. I'm only saying my last good-bye to the
> Goa which I have known, and loved.
> *************************
> ? 
> ------------------------------
> Message: 10
> Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 00:31:52 +0530
> From: Goa Desc <>
> To: goanet <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Uncontrolled trade destroying ROEN OLAMIS, the
> ??? edible mushroom
> Message-ID:
> ??? <>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Do GOACAN a favour, circulate this email to your
> family members, relatives, neighbours and friends.
> Help other CONSUMERS to be better informed.
> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> Uncontrolled trade destroying ROEN OLAMIS
> ---------------------------------------
> The Navhind Times 01/07/18
> ----------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Message: 11
> Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2018 00:32:18 +0530
> From: Goa Desc <>
> To: goanet <>
> Subject: [Goanet] Novel mushroom pigment discovered in Goa
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> ??? <>
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> Novel mushroom pigment discovered in Goa
> -------------------------------------
> The Navhind Times 15/7/18
> --------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Message: 12
> Date: Sun, 15 Jul 2018 18:57:19 -0400
> From: Roland Francis <>
> To:
> Subject: [Goanet] If Babies Could Talk.
> Message-ID: <>
> Content-Type: text/plain;??? charset=utf-8
> The Story.
> The Nirmal Hriday at Ranchi, the Jharkhand State branch of Calcutta?s Sisters 
> of Charity missionary order that looks after destitute adults, children and 
> the dying, find themselves in the middle of a case of alleged baby-selling by 
> a nun and a lay employee. Also involved are 256 missing babies that the state 
> government says are not accounted for. 
> The Ranchi police have come up with evidence of a ?confession? by the nun who 
> has not been allowed access to her Mother House, the Church Authorities or 
> their lawyers.
> Dramatis Personae: (beside those mentioned above)
> 1. The Chief Minister of Jharkhand State is a BJP member. Jharkhand is part 
> of northern India?s cow belt, notorious for Hindu extremism, mob killings, 
> tribal uprising supported by the Communist Party and suppression of ?low 
> caste? communities and religious minorities. Despite this, Christian 
> missionaries find this State, fertile ground for their work.
> 2. The Police. 
> This is basically part of a chaotic and? lawless forested region of India and 
> was carved out of the Chotanagpur plateau of Bihar, one of India?s tribal 
> dominated and poorest states. Police in this and neighbouring states (except 
> West Bengal) have to operate hand-in-glove with politicians, local gangsters 
> and organized crime like the Coal Mafia, the Mining Mafia, the Liquor Barons, 
> roving dacoits, you get the picture, or their own lives will be in danger.
> 3. The CBI.
> Usually a process that requires Home Ministry sanction is required for a 
> probe, but in this case, a senior police official is asking for investigation 
> into the Charity?s foreign donations, although unrelated to the baby-selling 
> allegation.
> 4. The Catholic Church.
> Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, Archbishop Felix Toppo and Bishop Theodore 
> Mascarenhas with the latter as spokesman are, the area?s top officials. They 
> are standing squarely beside the Sisters. So are other Indian Church related 
> NGOs.
> 5. The opposition parties consisting of the Congress Party, the Trinamool 
> Congress? Mamta Banerjee and the Communist Party?s (Marxist) Brinda Karat are 
> firmly supporting The Sisters of Charity who are headquartered in Banerjee?s 
> State West Bengal which borders Jharkhand. The CPM controls the tribals of 
> Jharkhand who form a substantive segment of that state.
> It is in such circumstances that justice must find a way to prevail.
> Roland Francis
> Scarborough.
> End of Goanet Digest, Vol 13, Issue 310
> ***************************************
> End of Goanet Digest, Vol 13, Issue 316
> ***************************************

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