
Contrary to your misinformation, while S 3 deals with an Indian citizen,
S.6 of the RTI Act permits any person to seek information under the RTI
Act. This has been upheld by the SC in  Chief Information Commr.& Anr vs
State Of Manipur & Anr on 12 December, 2011.

Pl refer:

While you displayed tremendous alacrity in making disparaging and libelous
allegations, you now seem to be dragging your feet raising all sorts of
frivolous reasons why you cannot pursue the matter to get at the truth. I
would urge you to prove your sincerity by making the application and then
sharing the reply with all of us here on Goanet.



*Only Indian citizens can file an application under the Right To
Information Act.*

*An NRI is an Indian who resides or works abroad but possesses Indian
citizenship (has an Indian passport).An OCI is a foreign national of Indian
origin who belongs to certain countries listed by the Govt of India as
eligible to apply for this status. Not all Indian-origin foreign nationals
apply for the OCI and not all who apply for it are granted it. As seen from
the above, the terms NRI and OCI are not interchangeable. You are either
one or the other. If you are a foreign national with an OCI, you have the
rights of permanent stay in India without a visa or reporting on a regular
basis to any Indian authority as foreign nationals are required to do and
you have all the financial privileges of an NRI. Applying for an RTI is not
one of them.For reference read ?Indian Kanoon? which is a local law review,
or just google away.Roland FrancisToronto. *

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